Reply to an email:

Concerning the discussion in a previous post about the judge who valued laughter so highly she gave name suppression to a kiddie-fiddler, an email I got this morning:
‘On 04/09/2011, at 9:57 PM, Kristina xxxxxxxx wrote:
The judge did give name suppression not for xxxxx sake (if that’s who it is) but for his daughter’s sake.  For her protection I think we should uphold it – by the way you face charges for publishing his name on the website and I’m happy to report you for it. ‘
My emailed reply:
If you have something to say, say it on my site.  In public. I’m happy to reply to you, and I’ll do so in public, on Crusader Rabbit.
(I make no apology for publishing the email  since there’s no assurance given that mails sent to CR’s public addy will be kept confidential.)
Well, of course she is “happy to report you for it”…her kind are always happy to do the Stasi’s dirty work for them. In fact they’re precisely the kind who made organisations like the Stasi possible.
The mindless, gutless enablers of the repressive State, the conditioned idiots who never met a repressive law they didn’t like because it saves them the trouble of thinking for themselves and hey, if there’s ever a twinge of conscience, a spark of unease at the half-formed idea that they may not be quite as free and high-minded as they might pretend to themselves they are..well, in that case they always have the general-purpose salve of “it’s for the chiiildren!”
No it isn’t. It’s for their own cowardice, their own refusal to make a stand for anything that the State hasn’t given them permission to. So my message to her is:
Go fuck yourself, do as you damn well please. I am not the kind of man you’re used to dealing with, a Kiwi product of the socialist state beaten into submission by the feminazi culture.
Update: I’ve removed the surname from the email and and the name of the perp as mentioned in the email at Kristina’s request. She is concerned that she may be in breach of the law herself.

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