N.Z.’s “criminal justice system”

is a joke

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5 Responses to N.Z.’s “criminal justice system”

  1. pmofnz says:

    Maybe more like … “criminal” justice system … :mrgreen:

    “defence lawyers had asked for their clients not to receive crushing sentences”
    The 3 yrs they got is far too short for the scrotes, who appear to have been on a fast tracked highway to hell for sometime. Maybe the defence lawyers would like to do the balance of a what I would term a reasonable sentence, without parole, strung up to a lamppost so that we might see some fit and proper justice.

  2. George says:

    I had an Aussie mate who had been an incorrigble crim. Borstal, jails, didn’t stop him fighting, robbing, drugs the works. One day he got a grip on himself and joined the army. All went well until one day a bumptious little arsehole lieutenant went off his face screaming at him from a few inches away. The results of him striking the officer saw him sentenced to hard labour in a military prison. He told me years later that he could do life in any civilian jail and do it standing on his head. “But I would commit suicide before I would do another week in Holsworthy”
    He was a reformed criminal, but it took the glasshouse to do it. These punks could be changed or broken in the same way, but they are a waste of space at the moment.

  3. dondiego says:

    “… further entrenching him…” what a lot of rubbish. I heard a bloke on talkback in Oz- reckons he tried to escape front Pentridge, received a flogging, never thought about escaping again. From memory it put him off re-offending too.
    Those asian countries the Japs ruled with an iron fist kept their super-strict punishments and Joe Citizen liked the results (according to Sensible Sentencing Trust).