the enemy within:

‘Uncle Sam is getting a little weird. Make that a lot weird. Having dumped hundreds of billions of dollars into a sinkhole called Afghanistan–populated by misogynistic, pederastic, tribalistic and religiously supremacist primitives–to no avail, he has hit on a new plan for winning those ever-elusive Afghan ”hearts and minds.”  When nature calls, Uncle Sam has decided he wants every U.S. Marine equipped with a map and compass, or some other way of knowing direction. This is to ensure that no U.S. Marine in Afghanistan urinates in the direction of Mecca ever again. Now, there’s a winning strategy.’      source
And these are the people who in the event of hostilities between the U.S. and Pakistan, have openly stated that they’ll align with their muslim brothers! We should have simply bombed the crap out of them and left ’em to scrabble in the rubble. Same with Saudi and Pakistan. Primitive, murderous bastards, the lot of them.

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9 Responses to the enemy within:

  1. Orion says:

    Why waste the bombs? Leave them to their own devices and they’ll level their country more thoroughly than anything air power could do.

  2. KG says:

    Well, that’s true enough. Just seal ’em off from the outside world.

  3. I could do with a map and compass, so I know which direction to urinate in!
    Seems like the US dhimmis are taking the piss on this one!

  4. mort says:

    given that with Obama’s proclamation that equates to he wants more poofs and women in the military, then we can extrapolate that there will be more squatting to piss, so… if you are not allowed to piss in the direction of mecca, and must piss in the opposite direction, and adding in that when you squat, you are more likely to defecate, one can only assume that because mecca is unworthy of urine, it deserves the full excreta treatment, so give them all your rectum can give… shit for shit… suits me fine.

  5. Darin says:


    I say we adopt first nations policy,yep you read it right the US military should adopt first nations policy and return control of Pakistan and Afghanistan to the Buddhists by exterminating the Muslim vermin. :twisted: :twisted:

  6. Flashman says:

    Forget the map and compass, the first rule of pissing in the great outdoors is *always* to point the Big Bopper downwind before one eases the springs.

    Those GI’s are Number One Funny Guys.

  7. mara says:

    So now the enemy has to be respected before they are shot? Ignore the fact that this is lunacy and will be widely disregarded, but what the hell is this message sending to the goat-shagging mohammeds. Quite! Time to quit. They are simply not worth another drop of US blood.

  8. Kris K says:

    So I guess coating ammo with pork fat is out of the question then … :twisted:

  9. this belongs here-I guess : – )
    was going to give you an heads up on the General who fired for criticizing Karzai-then I scroll down and voila- you have already posted it!!
    Our DoD’s PC crap is going to get us in the US killed–it already is getting out BEST in the field killed -the RoEs that they must work with are a travesty….
    Thank you-for watching out for us in the US,,,,