‘Labor’s secret $100 million deal with the Greens
$11 billion mining tax passed early this morning
Government tried to keep deal details secret
The deal means the Government will defer concessions for foreign banks to get $20 million a year in revenue the Greens want spent on public facilities.
The announcement today ended 12 hours of secrecy in which the Greens and Labor kept from Parliament and the voters details of the deal to get the Mineral Resource Rental Tax (MRRT) through the House of Representatives early this morning…’
“If a private individual tried this, offering cash in secret to get a law passed, they’d end up in jail. And they’d probably share a cell with the member of Parliament who took the money.”
Malcolm Farr, National Political Editor

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  1. mawm says:

    Someone needs to shoot that fucking woman.

  2. KG says:

    Yes indeed–it would be simple pest control. :evil:

  3. Redbaiter says:

    The corruption is just unbelievable.

    What the fuck are the Libs doing to counter this crap?

    Are they completely helpless?

  4. mort says:

    so Wotif owner contributed $1.6m donation to the greens… I USED to be a user of their service… never again, they now join the ranks of Sony. I will not support companies that support the anti-humanist watermelons. Sony will never be forgiven for their sponsorship of the exploding denier/ non AGW activist trash videos put out by Greedpeace last year