‘A Censored Report on Taxpayer-Funded JIhad in Australia

‘..This special TV news report from Australia is refreshingly candid about a would-be Muslim terrorist who planned his murderous jihad against his adopted country while drawing welfare benefits for nineteen years at the expense of the Australian taxpayer.

There’s only one problem: the report never actually aired on Australian television. It was produced by the network last year, but political correctness prevented it from being released.

Now a copy of the banned news video has been leaked…’
here, at Gates of Vienna

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One Response to ‘A Censored Report on Taxpayer-Funded JIhad in Australia

  1. Kris K says:

    The above puts a whole new inflection on the term “state-funded terrorism”.

    And no surprise that this is ‘non-news’ as far as the corrupt and complicit main stream media is concerned – appeasing traitorous bastards!