Sugar cane fires

 About an hour ago. Not a hi-viz vest in sight, no road signs…and one of the guys working with xxxx stubbie in hand, much the worse for wear, too. (He introduced himself to Gecko with “g’day–I’m the local drunk”)  The neighbour’s pet dingo was chasing bandicoots fleeing the fire and nobody even bothered to comment on it.  Queensland is…different. In the nicest possible ways. :)

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15 Responses to Sugar cane fires

  1. Darin says:

    If we could just set fire to the government and shoot the rats as they run out.

    Oh,what’s a Stubbie and Bandicoot?? Google doesn’t have an Aussie translator tab :grin:

    • KG says:

      Yer havin’ a lend of me…you really don’t know? Jeez, fair suck of the sav, cobber– yer not dinkum!

  2. Pascal says:

    How long before this is outlawed by the greeny Gillard? Such blatantly unregulated CO2 release must stop!

    • KG says:

      Good luck to her with that–we saw an illegal pet chasing a supposedly endangered species and about thirty other regulations being ignored. Not just ignored, either–flouted, with relish!
      These gentlemen (and they are that) are a long way from the urban liberals we detest so much.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    How can they possibly manage to light s fire, raise a dingo or, for that matter, open a beer without approval from a clipboard-carrying Occupational Health and Safety Inspector? Where are WorkSafe? Won’t someone think of the children?

  4. Pingback: Sugar cane fires | Cranky Old Crow

  5. KG says:

    Cranky Old Crow was kind enough to link to this on her site. Well worth a visit, there’s lots of warmist-debunking stuff there!

  6. oswald bastable says:

    After just spending a couple of hours turning big 60+ year-old valves in a tin & concrete shed, on the hottest day of this summer (see ‘The Box’ form Cool Hand Luke)- I would welcome mangos & snakes right now!

    Money’s about the same…