Liberty is dying or dead, all across the West.

Gantt just pointed us to this:
‘..The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing…’ via Trevor Loudon

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20 Responses to Liberty is dying or dead, all across the West.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Everything wrong with the Republican Party can be summed up in the following term:

    “John McCain (R-Ariz.)”

    And thanks for the hat-tip mate.

    • KG says:

      Yep. RINOS have all but killed the party. I have more contempt for them than for any Democrat.
      And now Gingrich is the front-runner…….it’s way past time to introduce term limits. At the point of a gun if necessary.

  2. Darin says:

    Well this is just typical,done under the cloak of night,just like a f–king thief :evil:

    Oh,and waking up this AM first item on the news-We’re bailing out Europe!Yes Isn’t great?US the Canadians and Japanese we are all bailing out Europe by flooding Europe with cheap Dollars hurrah! :evil:
    Oh,the market is going gangbusters,all the big fish are making a killing meanwhile all us little people will pay for it through even more inflation.

    Oh well,have a great day my fellow peasants.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Ah well, that’ll fix it then. So with Europe settled, can we all just go back to business as usual please? I really didn’t want Greek pastry chefs to work past 50 anyway; the dangerous nature of their occupation making their effective working life 20+ years less than, say, an American or Australian miner or truck driver.

      So back in real-person land, when are these King Canutes going to wake up and smell the recession all around them? Bernanke printing more money isn’t going to fix the problem. Flooding the world with cheap Euros, or Dollars, or Yen,cor Yuan won’t do it. The Sheeple are going, at some point, to have to realize they have spent the past half century in a debt-fueled dream world. The Keynesian experiment has been an abject failure and the world can no longer afford currencies backed by nothing more than thin air. When the Sheeple do finally wake up, there will be central bankers swinging from lamp posts all across the world, right alongside the politicians who enabled them. Then, perhaps, we can get on wih the task of rebuilding.

  3. Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.)–

    as I have been saying – since 1993 – when I wrote my story on the rino invasion of the R Party-(now RINO) –

    there is not difference in the parties…


  4. Darin says:

    Your right Carol,the RINO’s are responsible for much of the mess that’s been made of this country.They are too quick to compromise and make backroom deals.It’s gotten to the point that as soon as I hear the word compromise from a Republicans lips it turns me completely off them.

    BTW,I love that drawing you did titled”Riding on the backs of the taxpayers”.That would make a brilliant poster for the Teaparty.

  5. mawm says:

    Heh….I remember the world-wide opprobrium heaped upon the South African government when it introduced detention without trial…..for 90 days. I wonder if the Marxists are going to organise rallies, cut sporting ties and introduce sanctions against the USSA. :roll:

    • KG says:

      Hell no–when the white man does it, that’s eeevil. When a half-black poster-boy marxist dilettante does it, that’s another thing entirely.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    I have a different take on this: isn’t it inspired by, and related to, the matter of terrorist attacks – i.e acts of WAR? I have no problem with those bastards being dealt to in that way – if you accept that the USA (and the West in general) IS at war. As someone said: if we encounter them in the field and can blow them up, or put them in the stockade indefinitely, how come they suddenly get Miranda rights if they manage to make it to America? Either they’re the enemy , or they’re not.

    • KG says:

      Did you read the linked article, Wakey? There is nothing at all to stop this being used against any American on home soil. For anything the Administration deems a hostile act.
      And it probably violates the Posse Comitatus Act as well.

      • WAKE UP says:

        Tricky territory; it’s a baby-and-bathwater situation alright, and I’m with you on the negatives (and the disarming of the populace etc). It’s just that I’m utterly pissed off with the Obama administration’s attempts to disguise rag-head Islamic terrorists as people deserving of American citizens’ rights, instead of the enemy combatants they actually are .

  7. KG says:

    “It’s just that I’m utterly pissed off with the Obama administration’s attempts to disguise rag-head Islamic terrorists as people deserving of American citizens’ rights, instead of the enemy combatants they actually are .”
    Me too, big time.

  8. mort says:

    just read this interesting piece that caught my eye…. its about gold, Fiat money, Big Givt, public enslavement and how to protect yourself….

    • KG says:

      Interesting stuff, Mort and there’s enough truth in that to be seriously worrying.
      Thanks for the link.