‘2,800 ‘honour’ attacks in Britain last year

…The figures were compiled from 39 out of the 52 British police forces. The others were unwilling or unable to provide data.
…The attacks included murder, mutilation, beatings, abduction and acid attacks.
…Widely-reported honour crimes have shocked Britain, a nation widely deemed to have successfully absorbed immigrant communities and customs…’          source
“Widely deemed”? By whom, Guardian ‘journalists’?

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6 Responses to ‘2,800 ‘honour’ attacks in Britain last year

  1. Mark.V. says:

    “successfully absorbed” in other words the Brits adapted to accommodate the immigrants not the other way round.

  2. KG says:


  3. WAKE UP says:

    Check these out, re the Afghan woman who was jailed for being raped, had her sentence increased when she appealed, but can be now freed on condition she marry her attacker. (Whaaat?)
    Why are we having anything to do with these primitives at all?





  4. Kris K says:

    So if we assume the average on a per police force district basis then the figures are likely to be much higher when considering all of Britain: If a figure of 2800 relates to 39 districts, then for 52 districts we can assume a figure over 3700.

    “So how’s that multi-culti assimilation working out then, white-boy?”

    The ONLY dipshits “shocked” by this latest ‘revelation’ are the useful idiots who actually believed the government propaganda in the first place. How much evidence do these morons require before they realise that Islam is a satanically inspired cult of death; that it will never change, and that it can NEVER be assimilated into better and more advanced cultures.

    The phrase “wilfully ignorant” comes to mind.

  5. Darin says:

    I guess the media didn’t claim it as a complete success since Britain didn’t go full tilt and adopt Sharia law :roll:

    And reading this reminds me of just how silly some western women are.Always complaining about trivial nonsense when they could have real problems,like beatings,burning,beheading and wearing burqas.

    • WAKE UP says:

      There’s a photo in the latest issue of “NZ Listener” magazine showing an Egyptian woman proudly showing an ink-stained thumb, indicating that she has just voted in Egypt’s new “democracy”. But she’s still wearing a burqa.