Trump Ends DACA,Celebrities Are Devastated

Jeff Sessions announced it today,DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals enacted on a destructive whim by former dictator wannabe Obama will be going away.

Libs,celebs and garden variety idiots everywhere were outraged!

Buffoonery on display-

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Ain’t Gonna Do This In A Prius

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Open House

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Justice – NZ style.

‘Landlord ordered to pay $10k: ‘It’s been a nightmare’
A Dunedin landlord says he feels robbed after being ordered to refund more than $10,000 rent to a former tenant because of a legal technicality.
Vic Inglis says he and his wife are feeling “pretty dark and twisted” after the Tenancy Tribunal found Natalie Parry’s tenancy was unlawful – and therefore she was entitled to a refund of all rent paid – because unpermitted alterations had been made to the two-storey home’s downstairs area.
The couple bought the Luke St house at auction as it now stands. Unbeknown to them alterations had deviated from the plans submitted to the Dunedin City Council during its build…..”
And it gets worse. Much worse! This bitch deserves to be put in stocks and pelted with dog shit. Read it and be impressed  at what socialism produces ie capitalist landlords evil, tenants as victims, even though they might trash the place and fail to pay rent. The stinking bureaucrats of the Tenancy Tribunal will almost always side with the tenants regardless of the evidence.

(Wabbit is not a landlord, by the way. We rent the house we live in)

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Story Time

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Arse Hole of the Week

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The Always Violent Left

Violence breaks out in Berkeley again and as usual it’s the left that started it-

Go ahead lefties, keep pushing,the people will see who you are and what you do and when the time comes there will be no sympathy to be had  for you when it’s your blood painting the streets.

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Remember our friends in Texas

Lots of rain and flooding from Hurricane Henry-


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Open House

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Muh Pronouns

It could soon be illegal to not use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun-

The Daily Caller-

A bill that passed the California state senate and is now moving through the Assembly could threaten jail time for anyone who refuses to use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun.

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