If you want to see who the Puppet Master is…..

Just follow the strings-

EXCLUSIVE: Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

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crank it up!

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The Russians Strike Again!

Dems lose most expensive house race in US history-


$31million dollars,the full weight of the media,the most carefully managed and scripted candidate in years and they still couldn’t pull it off. 

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What they aren’t telling you about Finsbury

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Rewriting America’s History

A fine piece by Frontpage Mag’s Walter Williams-


“George Orwell said, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” In the former USSR, censorship, rewriting of history and eliminating undesirable people became part of Soviets’ effort to ensure that the correct ideological and political spin was put on their history. Deviation from official propaganda was punished by confinement in labor camps and execution.”

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The upcoming ruckus

Good morning, all the CR readers. Grog here, practicing my pontificating.

First, I offer sincere thanks to KG and Darin for allowing me to submit a guest post. I’m not a scribe on the level of Dan Greenfield, Nicki, TL Davis, et al, but will try to be worthy of that quality of sharing words.

Realizing that most of what I wanted to discuss concerning the events of the last several days is, by now, common knowledge, I’ll keep this short.

All of us know of the Antifa clowns, those twatwaffle asshats that won’t show their faces and constantly screech they’re victims, but have no hesitation for physical violence against those who don’t agree with their crap. Well, there’s a nationwide call for a “day of resistance” in about two weeks.

BREAKING: Mass Nationwide Anti-Trump Riots Planned For July 2nd

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Open House

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We Have Forgotten How to Hate

Was pointed to an old write up from back in 2008 written by Satoshi Kanazawa –

The Scientific Fundamentalist-

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The Left Owns This One

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Breaking: Gunman opens fire on members of Congress

Gunman opens fire on Congress members at site of charity baseball game-

Rep.Steve Scalise shot-


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