New Weekly Feature Post:-Arse Hole of the Week

I’ve been thinking of adding a new weekly feature post to compliment the weekly Open House post. Continue reading

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Cassie Jaye: It Has To Start With Listening

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Wrong color, wrong culture, you see:

Blind 5-year-old faces boot from NZ after High Court dismisses deportation appeal
South African family.
Then we have this, on the same page:
Terminally ill Fijian woman allowed to stay in New Zealand

We don’t really need to play “spot the difference”, do we? It could be paranoia, except that it fits an established pattern. Talk about “maintaining the integrity of NZ’s immigration system” is so much bollocks, when rapist taxi drivers are allowed to stay and so-called refugees are allowed into the country and then return home on holiday…

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Open House

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Why am I laughing?

This is a serious Health and Safety breach. Yessir:

‘Tourist wearing fake shark fin harpooned 9 times by villagers’
“He got his head out of the water and yelled ‘I’m not a shark!’, but he was immediately hit by two other harpoons.”

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Pencil terrorism:

‘Police across Britain are ever vigilant when it comes to preventing an ‘Islamophobic’ backlash after terror attacks.
Officers in Grimsby rushed to a mosque, where it was reported a suspect was threatening to stab someone.
They arrested a homeless man, Jake Jones, and charged him with possessing an offensive weapon.
The charge, which was subsequently dropped when it came to court this week, read: ‘At Grimsby in North East Lincolnshire, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, you had with you in a public place, namely Legsby Avenue, an offensive weapon, namely a sharply pointed pencil.’

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The latest Woodpile Report is up.

‘..Long-time readers may remember my theory that England’s catastrophic losses in the 1914-1945 world war, which stripped her of two generations of her best young men, meant England as such may not survive.
The capable emigrated long ago, those who could. Look at England today. Effeminate posers, deranged Marxists, diversity enforcers, career weirdos, faggots, political correctness commissars and child molesters run the place. Which puts all hope of England’s viability in her besieged young white males. Again.
Does anyone believe the “traditional masculinity” grunts and limeys and flyboys of those bygone days, or the progeny they never had, would put up with 23,000 jihadists at large in London, much less with one as mayor? More likely every lamppost between London and Folkstone would be decorated with them and their apologists. Then they’d raise a pint to a job well done.
Until I see the mayor and his fellow eighth-century primitives marched down the M3 to waiting barges they may also spare me the candlelight vigils. Without the will to resist they’re just another act of submission….’

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For The Cause of Freedom 6 June,1944

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Hiding In Plain Sight?

Pffft…they don’t even bother hiding anymore-

Insanity on display-

“Butt, who was named as one of the three attackers along with Rachid Redouane, was filmed by C4 with an ISIS flag, was linked to notorious British ISIS executioners and was being probed by MI5 and cops for the past 2 years”

What next,their own reality show?

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CNN: “We Make The News”

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