Tommy Has A Message

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Open House

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Wasserman Schultz admits House IT security violations,blames House Administrators for not stopping her-

Wasserman Schultz Admits Hill IT Security Violations, Blames House Administrators For Not Stopping Her [VIDEO]

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Pop Pop Pop!

The Sound of liberal heads exploding all over the world 

Headlines up on Drudge-


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The intolerance of militant homosexuals and their idiot supporters

‘City: You can’t sell blueberries unless you affirm gay marriage
The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations.
They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm – organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn.

And for the past seven years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing.
But this year – city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market – and neither were they.
Last year, someone posted a message on Country Mill’s Facebook page inquiring about whether they hosted same-sex weddings at the farm.
Tennes told the individual they did not permit same-sex marriages on the farm because of the family’s Catholic belief that marriage is a sacramental union between one man and one woman.
City officials later discovered the Facebook posting and began immediate action to remove Country Mill from the Farmer’s Market – alleging the family had violated the city’s discrimination ordinance….’

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Black Pigeon Speaks

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What Shameful Tattered Rags….

….the major news outlets are. :evil:


“Of course, you wouldn’t know that Trump did that if you looked at the top newspapers in the country. In fact, you wouldn’t even know that Monday was Memorial Day, or that nearly every town across the United States held a parade to honor America’s troops.”

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McCain:”Putin more dangerous than Isis”

Yes,because Putin has been known to strap bombs to himself and blow up kids at concerts.


I think it is well past time for McCain to retire to the old Rino home.

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Memorial Day 2017

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The Constantly Misunderstood

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