Open House

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Bravo! An Englishman speaks:

Tommy Robinson in Manchester: “Politicians have sold us out”

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What else is there to say that hasn’t already been said?Maybe it’s time to listen,listen for what you say?It’s a quiet,soft sound,a steady rhythm,if you listen closely you can hear the frequency getting quicker drip…..drip…drip… Continue reading

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The new normal.

Get used to it, because it ain’t going away.

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Kim Dotcom:”Seth Rich was DNC Leaker”

This could be big-

Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

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There Are No Stray Dogs in Venezuela…..

…Because the people have eaten them.

Big Cuba-

Continue reading

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The Human Race Is In Very Big Trouble

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Open House

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First They Came For The Confederates

Just like the Taliban,the left has a penchant for tearing down statues-

“It’s in the pursuit of this aim that Beauregard’s statue has fallen – for he and the others who are to follow now form the Constitution’s guardians.  To slander and revile them is to slander and revile it, and to physically strip them away from history and law is to do no other than expose it to the same fate.”

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Roger Ailes – Dead at 77

Saw this just now,Roger Ailes dead at age 77-

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