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Now where did I put those Matches?

“Liberals Are An Inferno Of Flaming Crazy And We Should Pour Gasoline On The Fire”

The Whole Glorious Thing-

“Here’s a little test. It’s been about six months since Trump treated The Smartest Most Accomplished Woman In The World like a NordicTrack treats Harry Reid, and does anyone know even one person who has said, “You know, I voted for Trump, but now after Neil Gorsuch, General Mattis and H.R. McMaster, I really wish I had checked the box for Felonia von Pantsuit?

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IRS execs: “Our lives are at risk in Teaparty Case”

Cry me a river-

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From the fever swamps of academia,

This gem:

‘A Wild Multiple Apparatus of Knowing Discussion
Waiting Pentimento Intra-Observation
Anne Beate Reinertsen
First Published March 16, 2015
…Author Biography
Anne Beate Reinertsen is a professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education. She is preoccupied with practical philosophy of education issues, subjective professionalism, and post-constructivist qualitative research methodologies.’

Wabbit wonders if those parents who pay a fortune to have their kids educated are aware of the drivel and trash doing the “educating”…

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Open House

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NZ Herald, really scraping bottom:

‘Disbelief over Donald Trump’s two scoops of ice cream
Donald Trump’s love for ice cream has created a headache for the US president after it was revealed he got two scoops with dinner, while three visiting journalists only got one….’

This is insane. Whoever wrote this – and whoever decided to publish it – needs to get professional psych help.

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Tommy Robinson Needs Our Help

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Who would you pick?

I reckon of all the people Trump could pick to replace Comey as head of the FBI,Trey Gowdy would be the best man for the job by far IMO.


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Stop The Presses!

Important,Earth Shattering news!-

Publicity stunt much?

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Canadian Nazis

Flame up a smoke in your own car?You’d better not in Canuckistan-

Ontario man given three tickets by ‘the smoke police’ for having a cigarette alone in his SUV

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