Refugee Resettlement Plummets Under Trump

Despite court rulings the Trump administration is quietly turning off the faucet-


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RIP France

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Open House

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Why Nationalism Terrifies Wall Street

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A Living,Breathing,Lie

Obama and company-

Jack Engelhard via-Arutz Sheva

“Today, in eye-popping news, we learn, from the New York Post viaPolitico, that to sweeten the Iran nuke deal, Obama released Iranian-connected terrorists in order to keep the mullahs talking – which they were glad to do because the more they talked the more we gave and the more they took.”

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Rebel Media-now in Australia!

Looks like Australia gets another alternative media outlet courtesy of Rebel Media and Ezra Levant-

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The Taylor Force Act-

Seeks to strip funds from the Palestinian Authority until it ends the practice of providing stipends to the families of terrorists .These “martyrdom payments” are codified in PA law and are often funded through taxpayer subsidies paid by western nations including the US.

More here-

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The Rationing Society

Rationing societies -vs-production societies-

Daniel Greenfield-

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“Justice” in feminised NZ:

‘Man guilty of beating his stepdaughter’s rapist ‘disgusted’ by verdict…
The jury of 11 women and one man delivered the verdict in the Wellington District Court this afternoon after a few hours of deliberation…’

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Open House

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