It’s a Blizzard

Snowflakes in April?……Oh,wait,THAT kind of Snowflakes :roll:


They’re going on a Symbolic Hunger Strike,they will stop eating….wait for it…..until they get hungry

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The Media Cold War has Gone Hot

Recently things have been shaken up a bit in the media.Last year we saw Roger Ailes forced out at Fox and now longtime Fox star Bill O’reilly is the latest victim.But those two are only part of the story,what else is going on runs much deeper and may have much broader implications.

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Open House

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Earth Day 2017

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“Extremism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice”

‘Calls Grow to Use National Guard to Protect Coulter, Free Speech at Berkeley’
The left applauded the use on the National Guard to force integration in schools, now let’s see them applaud the use of the Guard to protect the First Amendment.

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Did Marine Le Pen just win the election?

Something tells me the French will still be too thick

Paris shooting leaves one policeman dead and ‘two seriously injured’ as ‘ISIS terrorists armed with AK47s’ open fire on the Champs-Élysée in Paris

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So fire the rest then?

Government report finds only 6.5% of EPA employees “essential”

More from the Beacon-

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Stupid ROE never fails… get our finest killed.

Pentagon covered up the real cause of Extortion 17 shoot down-

Note* -Article is good,but crappy page formatting,keep scrolling up to read the whole thing-

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Open House

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Bolton is right Again

John Bolton on North Korea-

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