Bravo, Claire Harvey!

‘We let kids down all the time. Let’s not do it to teen parents Jenifer and Jayden

WHAT’S the most transgressive, the most dangerous thing a teenage girl can do in 2017?
Have a baby — and want to take care of it herself.
In an era when teenagers are piercing and inking and Snapchatting and live-camming their naked bodies, there is one young western Sydney girl who chose to go ahead with a pregnancy nearly everyone else in her situation would have terminated….’

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Diversity:The New Conformity

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Let’s Take Away the White Man’s Vote

Huffpo author believes white men shouldn’t be allowed to vote-


Continue reading

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Open House

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Paging Gillian Triggs, et al:

‘Australians Warned to Cover Up Crosses in Public After Muslim Gang Assault’

So, what are you and your “human rights” gang going to do about this, you hypocritical cowardly piece of crap? Or is this rather too dangerous for you? Much easier to persecute a few white students for using ‘indigenous computer spaces’, isn’t it?
People like you and the gutless backstabbing prick PM Turnbull are allowing islamists to win, standing idly by while Australia’s culture is being damaged. A culture which has a stellar record of absorbing millions of immigrants after WW2 and integrating them into Australian society.
You bastards belong in Sweden – they do cultural cowardice very well there.
May you rot in hell for presiding over the destruction of one of the most tolerant, decent cultures in the world.

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Insane Sweden

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The New Civil War

Daniel Greenfield:
‘..The left is a treasonous movement. The Democrats became a treasonous organization when they fell under the sway of a movement that rejects our system of government, its laws and its elections. Now their treason is coming to a head. They are engaged in a struggle for power against the government. That’s not protest. It’s not activism. The old treason of the sixties has come of age. A civil war has begun…’

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‘..this is the great folly of our age’

‘Every single green scheme politicians have fallen for has failed to achieve any of the results claimed for them and costing us more billions every year’ …’

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Australian Government Gender Bender

More proposed child indoctrination as detailed here by The Independent Man- Continue reading

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Open House

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