US launches attack on Syrian Airbase


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Some scumbags just won’t die gracefully.

‘Former Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer calls for compulsory voting, says democracy “in crisis”
New Zealand should adopt Australian rules and make it illegal not to vote, former Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer says.
Palmer, who ran the country as head of the Labour Party from 1989 to 1990, told Radio NZ’s Guyon Espiner that voter apathy had led to Trumpery and Brexit….’

:shock:   bold mine.

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Pedophiles Rule the World

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The stench of ass-covering and incompetence:

‘Auckland church members hugged and kissed their friend before she died from typhoid
A member of the Samoan church at the centre of a typhoid outbreak says they have received poor information and support from health authorities. She told Morning Report that hospital staff didn’t warn friends and family of any risk of infection when they visited the woman who died of the disease shortly before her death.

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A Networking Thread-Please Read-

The purpose of this thread is to network support for people who need it.What type of people?

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‘The Big Shut-Up’

by Mark Steyn

It’s underway. Right now. And Western “leaders” are happily on board with it.

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‘Delingpole: EPA’s Scott Pruitt Gets Eaten Alive by Fox

….This is disgraceful. It’s an embarrassment and a shambles. Worst of all, it’s an entirely needless concession to the enemy…’

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A very interesting article…….

Could we be on the edge of a major tectonic shift in global policy?

Jordan’s King Abdullah III Will Visit White House Wednesday April 5th…

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Grant not Patton,but still.

We’re doing Grant,not Patton,but neither one had a Goof like Ryan screwing things up-

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Katie Hopkins

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