Open House

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Brexit: Article 50 Letter Sent……….

…….Merkel quick to throw wrench..

Sky News-

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Sessions Goes after Sanctuary Cities


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So what now?

Now that the Republican held congress has failed to do anything regarding the repeal of Obamacare,where do we go from here?

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Digital Stasi

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Open House

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Another Attack by “Asians”

Get your stuffed bears,candles and balloons ready,dust off the old #pray for——- ready for Twitter.

Seems another “Asian” has gone on a killing spree-



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The Culture of Cardboard Cutouts

NZ transgender “woman” takes women’s weight lifting title-

Insanity here-

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California Warns Contractors

Against building the wall-




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Trump Should Reverse the Bet

Trump should reverse the bet with nations who refuse to accept their deported citizens-


“As for these 23 countries, it is time to play hard ball. The Trump administration should say to these nations, “If you like your goods sold in the U.S., and if you like that foreign aid we send you, then you must take back your criminals or else all of that will come to an end.”

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