Apparent Systemic California Voter Fraud and Why It Matters Now Given the Enemy’s Talking Points

A Guest Post by Pascal

On November 8, 2016, I and my daughter were witnesses to a voter irregularity that was casually dismissed by election place volunteers. It occurred to us afterwards that it was likely not only deliberate, but what we witnessed was a demonstration to others on how easy it was to do. IOW, the perpetrator was showing to all surrounding him how the behavior was not only not checked, but that there was no danger of being prosecuted for voter fraud, and that the crime could be repeated as often as any “voter” wished.

First, let me explain provisional votes. Continue reading

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Faster, please.

Perhaps then the pro-invasion morons will begin to see the reality of what they’re supporting:
‘PARIS ERUPTS IN VIOLENCE: Many streets are NO-GO ZONES as five suburbs in flames’

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Home: Nasa’s ISS live stream

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Strike while the Iron is Hot

State GOP leaders are moving the Conservative agenda forward while Congressional  GOP leaders dither-


“In states from New England to the Midwest and across the South, conservative lawmakers have introduced or enacted legislation to erode union powers and abortion rights, loosen gun regulations, expand school-choice programs and slash taxes and spending.”

Read the comments if you want to bask in liberal butt hurt! 

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Is Germany preparing for the collapse of the EU?

Germany repatriating large amounts of Gold-

Notice the Gold was sent to Germany and not the EU central bank.


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And we are told Trump is evil?

7th Century barbarism in action-


“The youngster, named Faten, was punished after stepping over the threshold of her home while cleaning.””But members of the female al-Khansa brigade produced the torture device, and Faten bled to death from her wounds, a witness claimed.”

How long before this is common practice in the west?And for bonus points when will we realize that extermination of islam is the only option? 

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Open House

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‘Yes, they hate you

They are fanatics, and by not surrendering, by not kneeling, and by not obeying, you have committed an unpardonable sin. You have defied the Left, and you must be broken. They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you – whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example. Your defiance cannot stand; they cannot allow this whole Trump/GOP majority thing to get out of control. They must crush this rebellion of the normal, and absolutely nothing is off the table.
We’ve seen them burn UC Berkeley and how the police controlled by the leftist state government of California stood by and watched as Americans were beaten by the mob. Why? Because the government of the State of California approves of the violence. Do you think it’s a coincidence that California is doing everything it can to disarm its normals?…’
Read the whole thing, then tell me you still believe that ballot box is the answer. The thuggery won’t stop until leftards are made to pay a terrible price for it.

(Thanks to Darin for the space)

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Democrat Machine for Population Replacement

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Saving the Earth Must Be Hard Work….

…Judging by the mountain of trash it leaves behind-

The whole filthy mess here-

“Standing Rock Environmental Protection Agency and Dakota Sanitation are working together to try and advert an environmental tragedy,” says Tom Doering, Morton County Emergency Manager.

It’s estimated it will take 250 trucks filled with litter to clear the camp.

“There’s a lot of work to be done,” says Doering.

So will the lefty groups that made this mess be billed for it’s cleanup?Sure,I’ll bet they are writing the checks right now.(sarc) :roll:

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