Elites Protest a New Revolution



“If you live in the world of Facebook, Lyft, Netflix and Airbnb, crowding into airports and shouting, “No Borders, No Nations, Stop The Deportations” makes sense. You don’t live in a country. You live in one of a number of interchangeable megacities or their bedroom communities. Patriotism is a foreign concept. You have no more attachment to America than you do to Friendster or Myspace. The nation state is an outdated system of social organization that is being replaced by more efficient systems of global governance. The only reasons anyone would cling to nations and borders are ignorance or racism.

The demographic most opposed to President Trump is not a racial minority, but a cultural elite.”

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Only because it’s funny

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How to Fix Sanctuary Cities:Arrest Politicians

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Open House

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The Dishonest Bastards at Reuters

Their latest piece-


In case you aren’t familiar with the picture Reuters used at the top of that article.It’s from the Gold King Mine waste spill in 2015……..the one the EPA caused.

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It’s time.

‘cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war’:
‘Left Goes to War: Obama Official Suggests ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump
 ‘Get Rid’ of Him
In a blog post for Foreign Policy, Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official, outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump, including declaring him mentally unfit for command or enacting a military coup.’
‘A short investigation was launched after a Travis County judge wore a pink, knitted “pussy hat” in her courtroom late in January causing some to doubt her impartiality from the bench.’
Ya think? Take a look at the record of this POS.
After the fascist riots at UC Berkeley – tolerated by the police – there surely can be no doubt that the left regards itself as being at war with those Americans who support and abide by the Constitution. It’s time to wake up and deal with them on the terms they themselves have defined.

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Clinton Team now blaming Obama

It’s classic Clinton-“everybody is to blame,except us”


Hillary-“I’m and evil old crusty bitch who did very bad things,but it’s  anybody’s but my fault I blew the election.”

Check!To be fair,Obama did plenty to blow the election for the dems,but that was just standard policy from the halfrican wanker and nothing really personal right?

“A fun exercise would be to ask ardent Clintonites to name the exact email(s) that made her lose Ohio by 10 points.”

I for one just love it when the hate comes full circle,don’t you?



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The”Tolerant” Left Turns Violent,Again

Berkeley campus cancels Milo Yiannopoulos as protesters turn violent –


Antifa are terrorists and should be shot on sight,filthy leftists vermin :evil:

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Populism and the End of the EU

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Open House

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