How to Fix Sanctuary Cities:Arrest Politicians

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17 Responses to How to Fix Sanctuary Cities:Arrest Politicians

  1. Ronbo says:

    It will come down to that at some point…Unlike the segregationists of old – like George Wallace- these far Left Progressive Democrats of today will not strike their colors until they are literally hauled off in the Patty Wagon to police HQ for charges and booking.

    Of course, Trump will try other methods first – like cutting off federal funds – but the Leftists know this is their last stand – so they will dig in their heels – and all the while thinking, “Trump doesn’t have the balls to have me arrested.”

    Actually by that stage – maybe next year – Trump will have no choice because he has mounted the tiger of revolution…Like I said before, Trump didn’t start the revolution – the revolution selected him as its leader.

    It’s a moot point really….Trump has no choice.

    • MikeH. says:

      It would only take one or two getting hauled off for the others to wet their frilly pink panties and follow the program.

      • KG says:
        The first battle – that MUST be won – is against corrupt, partisan judges.

        • Ronbo says:

          Yep! judges can be impeached….and my experience in dealing with the Federals is that everyone is guilty of a felony….even one of their own judges….and like Mike was saying haul off one or two of them, and the rest will get with the program.

  2. mara the deplorable says:

    Meanwhile Iran is testing Trump’s resolve. With the Islamics now becoming nuclear armed the whole concept of mutually armed deterrence is going down the toilet. We don’t want to die, they don’t care as they have 72 eternally fucking virgins to rape. I raised this in passing with my lovely but indoctrinated extended family who immediately raised their eyes in a “mad aunt again” look and said ” You shouldn’t criticize Islam or else they will turn into terrorists and, as we all know, terrorism has nothing to do with Muslims. I am very close to giving up altogether.

    • KG says:
      I don’t bother arguing with uninformed people any more, Mara.
      You just get frustrated and angry and they get to feel smugly self-righteous.

      • Darin says:

        Same here,ball bat across the skull is fixing to be the debate tactic of choice for dealing with those mental midgets.They used to irritate me,but now I f—king hate them :evil:

        • Ronbo says:

          Now I know how Unionists and Lincoln supporters felt about the Johnny Rebs down Dixie way…I detest the Leftists every bit as bad as my Unionist Great Grandfather Elisha Barbour hated the Confederates in 1861.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    Can anybody here please allude to what gave these “Sanctuary Cities” their status and ability to ignore Federal laws and dictates? Do they pre-date Obama? Thanks.

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, they go back to the 1980s….and no, they have no right to disobey federal laws of any sort, but until Trump no president has had the balls to confront them…and yes, mayors and other state officials could be tried in federal courts and given felony prison sentences for non-enforcement.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Thanks for the information. The locals are attempting to override the feds it seems.

        • Ronbo says:


          It’s like the old days of segregation which was against federal civil rights laws; however, for nearly 100 years the Feds left the southern states alone…Then in late 1950s and early 1960s, the hammer came down and by 1965 segregation was a footnote in the history books.

          The same thing is gonna happen again, because the Feds cannot allow the states to make their own immigration policy.

        • Darin says:

          Sanctuary cities are only the latest incarnation,cities violating federal law,even to the point of restricting Constitutional rights goes back much further.

          1911 saw New York City enact the Sullivan Act introducing the first major gun ban in the US.Timothy Sullivan who was a Tammany Hall politician and very corrupt was responsible for that stinker.As is typical through recorded history a corrupt politician restricts the rights of the law abiding to benefit his corrupt cronies all in the interest of gaining power and control,sound familiar?

          Nothing was ever done to challenge them or put them back in their place,so here we are.

          • Ronbo says:

            Nothing done about that particular city law…yet.

            The wheel turns slowly sometimes, but it does turn.

            The Federals are very jealous of their power.

            • Darin says:

              There will come a day when the BOR is no longer questioned,maybe not in my lifetime and maybe in a different country,but free men will be free.

  4. KG says:

    Monoparty=monopolicy. Those who control both the repubs and the dems are in favour of the globalist agenda and their professed opposition to one another is a scam and a fraud.