National IQ test day in America-
A must read-
The Unigovernment at American Greatness
Article is spot on-”
I grant you that Oster may be hysterical and totally lacking in common sense—most tenure committees consider that a prerequisite. But “mistakes” like this don’t just happen, one after the other and all tending in the same direction, unless the people guiding society have a fundamental conviction under everything else that people cannot be trusted and that the biggest threat to good order and “progress” is the people themselves.
Keep a weather-eye on the Republican Party as soon as the elections are over. Don’t expect them to rush head over heels to represent your views or actually do what you wanted them to. Trump did what the voters wanted and look what they did to him—and by “they” I mean the Republicans as much as the Democrats: You can serve the people or you can serve the government, but you can’t do both. Guess which side the GOP leadership is on?”
Seems there was a song that went……”meet the new boss, the same as the old boss…