CNN -“Uncomfortable with what we have learned”

Bullshit! They didn’t “learn” of anything,they knew full well and actively participated in the deception.

And look at what we had,a news network with a party member and Clinton campaign apparatchik on the payroll during her campaign.Bias much?

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Germany is now a Third World Nation

Thanks to Merkel and the Lunatic asylum known as the EU –

Let’s also not forget a good deal of the German public who apparently have gone off their rocker bonkers and actually STILL support the open destruction of their own country and culture.At this point the only thing missing here are the galvanized wash tubs full of Coolaid.

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Happy Halloween- Stolen from Ronbo


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Some Culcha

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See the difference?

Good article from Andrew Klavan on media bias-

PJMedia has it-

“So my question is this, if a drink of water threatens the career of a Republican, what happens when a former Democrat congressman makes sexual Twitter advances to a minor causing the FBI to seize the computer of his wife, the Democrat presidential candidate’s aide and a woman with ties to radical Islam, and the said computer is found to contain emails that potentially exposed classified information to our enemies so that said candidate could hide her likely influence peddling? Worse than a sip of water? Better? I’m asking for a friend.”

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Ship the vermin home:

in a leaky fucking boat.
‘French won’t give us ‘a big house in a big city’ so we want UK, says Calais migrant
MIGRANTS recently evicted from the Calais Jungle have branded France racist and says they will do anything to come to Britain.’

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Donald Trump Jr-Class act!

A Mesa,Arizona woman who’s car had broken down received a push from three good Samaritans.She was surprised to learn that one of those men was Donald Trump Jr-

I still say you don’t get kids like Trump by accident.

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Breaking: FBI reopens Clinton investigation

Apparently some new e-mails have surfaced-

I suspect Comey saw Trump gaining in the polls and this is an effort to save his job.

Amazingly all the networks are carrying it-

UPDATE: Hillary is having Wiener trouble,no,not that kind,the kind that was married to Huma Abedin


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YouTube is apparently fine with child rape

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Steve Waterson:
‘…From this position of privilege I try not to look down on other races or nationalities, but here’s the thing: I wouldn’t change places with any of them, no matter how fast they can run or how many words for snow they have.
Sorry, does that sound a bit insulting? No? Let me try again.
I reckon I can work out where you’re from just by driving behind you; half the languages in the world sound like bickering monkeys; everyone’s folk songs, dances and costumes are ridiculous; some countries have national delicacies I wouldn’t feed to my dog; even more have religious beliefs that are beyond parody.
I’m not singling out any particular nationality for abuse — though you know who you are — because I’d like to catch as many members of our vibrant multicultural society as possible in my web of insults.
There: that should put me firmly in breach of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, which says it’s unlawful to offend people on the grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origin….’

At last – a journo with guts and principles. 

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