Anyone want to place a bet?

On when the next muzbot mass murder will take place?

I figure before the end of the week?

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They’ve turned us into a Rotting Banana Republic

Jed Babbin makes the case-

All the Lies: They’ve Turned Us Into a Rotting Banana Republic

“The defining characteristics of banana republics are a matter of history. First, the law is not enforced against a chosen class in a banana republic, usually the allies of the autocrat in charge. Second, foreign policy is always performed in the autocrat’s interests and often in disregard of the nation’s actual interests. This describes how America functions in the era of President Obama.”

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Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly R.I.P.

“Her focus from her earliest days until her final ones was protecting the family, which she understood as the building block of life,” read the statement. “She recognized America as the greatest political embodiment of those values. From military superiority and defense to immigration and trade; from unborn life to the nuclear family and parenthood, Phyllis Schlafly was a courageous and articulate voice for common sense and traditional values.”

Passed away at aged 92

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Obama:”Soldiers need to get past the Flag”

Obama needs to STFU! :evil:


Of course this fits well with Obama’s version of America.An alternate reality where hard work,courage,honor and self sacrifice are quaint memories from the past.


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Guess the proff’s gender


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Open House


“This is our country. This is our airport,” the official said in English, pointing and speaking angrily with the aide.


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Unbelievers not welcome – tomorrow, the witch hunt?

the “University” of Colorado:
“Opening up a debate that 98% of climate scientists unequivocally agree to be a non-debate would detract from the central concerns of environment and health addressed in this course,” the professors’ email continued.
“… If you believe this premise to be an issue for you, we respectfully ask that you do not take this course… – signed Professors, Rebecca Laroche, Wendy Haggren and Eileen Skahill
via Jo Nova

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I hope we see this all across the West


More here-

“We want the Venezuela we had 20 years ago, when there was food, security, medicine, when the money you made was enough to buy what you needed,” said Agustín Perez , a 30-year-old carpenter who lives in the poor east Caracas barrio El Atlantico.

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Facebook Fail

$150 Million of Mark Zuckerberg’s money goes POOF!

I’m not really all broke up about it either 

SpaceX rocket EXPLODES at Cape Canaveral space centre – blowing up Facebook’s £150MILLION internet satellite

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UK: Rise of the Police State

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