Open House

Busy again at work,have at it!

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Punishing Heretics

Dem party platform calls for prosecuting climate skeptics-

Read more-

Democrats have largely scoffed at free speech arguments, saying Exxon and others were committing fraud by disagreeing with the Obama administration over the severity of global warming and the effects of potential climate policies.

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Weapons went missing you say?

Naw,that almost never happens with this administration :roll:


The Obama administration,picking the wrong side of every situation.

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Neo-nazis and other assorted fascists

The idiots were in rare form today-

Stupidity gets painful



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Well,isn’t that convenient?

Boy the Clinton’s must be the luckiest people ever :roll:

I’m shocked,just shocked

Ashe — who was facing trial for tax fraud — died Wednesday afternoon in his house in Westchester County. The UN said he’d had a heart attack. But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.

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CNN anchors:Allergic to the truth since forever

I just love it when lefty journos get their faces rubbed in it-

Clinton corruption in plain sight

-“CNN Money’s “fact-checkers” Cristina Alesci and Laurie Frankel ended up with egg on their faces on Wednesday after they rated as “false” a well-established and proven Clinton Cash fact involving Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. approving the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to the Russian government, as nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

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EU parliament heads vow to take ball and go home

Butt hurt losers-


President Martin Schulz says speeding up of UK exit being considered after ‘continent taken hostage because of Tory party fight’

I have to agree with the arsehole,but for different reasons,getting Britain out fast would be the best,the best way to demonstrate to the rest of the EU member nations that leaving is the best option. 


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200 Musicians sign letter

Advocating for more gun control of course.To them I just want to say thank you,thank you for providing us with a convenient list of stump ignorant overpaid celebs to boycott.

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Open House

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upyu_002 copy  A massive “up yours” to the ruling elite.

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