Brexit: Should I stay,or should I go?

Seems a pretty easy choice to me-

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Delingpole on Brexit:

(My thanks to Darin for the space to post this)

‘…At the beginning, I talked about David Cameron and why he’s prepared to win this referendum at almost any cost.
Now here’s the worrying part. This doesn’t just apply to David Cameron. It also applies to:
George Osborne; Christine Lagarde; the 10,000 EU apparatchiks who earn more than the Prime Minister; Goldman Sachs and most of the rest of the finance industry; the Magic Circle law firms; the big corporations which just love all that Euro regulation because it wipes out smaller competitors; all the big left-wing charities, environmental ones like the RSPB and the WWF especially because the EU pays them so much money; corporate lobbyists; SJW activists at Avaaz and and; the IMF; George Soros; wealthy landowners – especially those with EU-mandated wind turbines paying them squillions; everyone who works in diversity, compliance, human resources, sustainability, and equality; Nick Clegg; Nick Clegg’s lawyer wife; Liberal Democrats generally; Chris Evans and Jeremy Clarkson; everyone at the Guardian; everyone at the BBC apart from Andrew Neil, probably; and so on.
Make no mistake, we’re up against a bunch of bastards here so determined and unscrupulous they make Ramsay Bolton look like Mary Berry. These guys have EVERYTHING to lose from this – money, power, reputation, five-course lunches with foie gras, lobster, and Chassagne-Montrachet… – and they’ll stop at nothing to prevent us taking away their often ill-gotten privileges which too often the rest of us have to pay for.
What they’ll do to us, if we let them win, will be unspeakable.’

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Lefty journo buys a gun….

It was supposed to be so easy,too easy to buy an AR-15 in America that anyone could do it-NOT!

Not for alky-wife beater journos it’s not


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How am I doing?

No,really,how good a job am I doing with CR?

Comments,suggestions,things you all would like to see?

Tell me,otherwise the beatings will continue until morale improves :mrgreen:

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I smell white wash

Hmmmm… “Gucifer 2.0” “hacked” the DNC servers and “stole” a bunch of financial records they had accumulated on Hillary?

So a phony break in,that revealed nothing,so everything must be just A-o-kay with her right?Riiiight….. :roll:

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Settled science

 In Chaos Theory, the “butterfly effect” is the name given to the sensitive connection between initial conditions in which an insignificant event in one state in non-linear systems, can result in sometimes catastrophic events in the universal state.
 In other words, although unlikely, it is possible for a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas to cause a typhoon in the Japanese Sea.

Case in point, in mid-20th Century America, a loose 18-year-old hippie female in a Honolulu college had sex with an older, alcoholic Kenyan man on a student visa, who had a wife and child back in Africa. And this less than significant event started the collapse and dissolution of the United States of America.

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FBI: US homicide rate at 51 year low

An inconvenient truth-

“Naturally, these facts are steadfastly ignored by people who can’t do basic arithmetic, like the constitutional law Professor David S. Cohen who wrote Monday at Rolling Stone that the second Amendment must be repealed because it is “a threat to liberty” and a “suicide pact.”

Meanwhile in cities with strict gun control-

The carnage-

“The city recorded its 300th homicide this weekend and went on to record six others over a 60-hour period that saw 59 people shot, 13 fatally, from Friday afternoon through early Monday morning.

So far this year, about 1,800 people have been shot across the city and more than 200 of those wounded have died of their wounds, according to records kept by the Chicago Tribune. A total of 306 people have been killed this year by shooting, stabbing or other means, Tribune records show.”

In the first piece my own state is #2 in homicide rates per 100,000 residents.But examining the numbers one demographic is responsible for 70% of the murders here and also 85% of the victims.Won’t mention what demographic that is since I don’t want to be raaacisss :roll:

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Milo:Why Britain should leave the EU

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Guns and Homophobia don’t kill people,Muslim terrorists do.

Daniel Greenfield-


“We can eliminate our entire Bill of Rights while fighting abstract ghosts and shadows or we can come to grips with the fact that Islam is a hateful ideology which preaches the murder of non-Muslims. Gays are just one entry on a long list of people whom Muslims want to kill. And as long as the Muslim population in the United States continues to grow, these acts of terror will continue happening year after year.”

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Something very wrong

Veteran forcibly dragged from Air Force ceremony for mentioning God-


“The service members were not military police and had no lawful authority to arrest or detain any person, especially a private citizen like Rodriguez. Air Force personnel then expelled Rodriguez from the base entirely.”

Somebody needs an ass kicking :evil:

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