Open House

Here’s one for Dad’s-

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Wikileaks looking to bring down Hillary?

This could be fun-

Via Zero Hedge

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Huma Abedin,daughter of jihad

Not nearly enough questions have been asked about this one-

“On 9/11, Huma was working for Clinton, then a U.S. senator from New York. As the Twin Towers fell Abedin failed to step forward “to shed light” on Naseef, the MWL, or the Rabita Trust. “Sen. Clinton and Huma Abedin betrayed every New Yorker and every American with their silence,”

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Gun shop owner reported Orlando shooter to FBI and here’s what happened-


See something say something for whatever good that’ll do

Why are we paying these people?

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Dear Gays:The left betrayed you for Islam

Paul Joseph Watson outlines it in chalk,pay particular attention to the show of hands vote in the “moderate” muslim mosque.


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Hillary’s huge Libya disaster

Deception,arrogance and downright treason-

“Despite valid ceasefire opportunities to prevent “bloodshed in Benghazi” at the onset of hostilities, Secretary Clinton intervened and quickly pushed her foreign policy in support of a revolution led by the Muslim Brotherhood and known terrorists in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. One of the Libyan Rebel Brigade commanders, Ahmed Abu Khattala, would later be involved in the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.”

This is why I will always believe that Amb Stevens was killed because he knew too much.

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Make them work for it

Local residents protest rising property taxes by paying them with $1 bills-

Stickin it to the man-


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British Labour MP shot dead

Labor MP shot dead outside library-

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Open House

Gonna be busy the next couple days.There’s plenty of beer in the fridge,the pool is full dive on in,the water is great!

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If you made a list of honest men…..

You wouldn’t need much paper-

As my grandfather was fond of saying-“it’s not the fact that politicians can be bought that’s the problem.It’s that they can be bought so cheap”

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