ACLU lawyer blames Christians for Orlando attack

Inside the mind of a deranged lefty-

“Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning.”

Crowder sets the record straight-


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Milo on Orlando:

‘Wake up, faggots. The political Left is part of the problem.’

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We know who’s side Facebook is on

Facebook takes down Pamela Geller’s “Stop Islamization of America”page after Orlando attack-

“The timing of the shutdown cannot be ignored. According to Geller, the group has been in operation for six years, since 2010. Yet only now, with concerns about Islam at a height following Omar Mateen’s homophobic, religiously-motivated attack on the Orlando dance club, has the page been taken down.”

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“Lone wolf” terror attack in Florida

Muzbot shoots up Florida gay bar,at least 50 killed 40+ injured-


Of course don’t rush to judgement,just pray,ban guns,slap another coexist bumper sticker on the Prius and everything will be fine :sarc

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Why running for Governor is sometimes necessary

A write up over at Gates of Vienna on the Fed’s migrant train into the US.- courtesy of commentor  Daniel Day-

“While the federal government has authority over resettlements regardless of the objections of states, governors can try to block funding for nongovernmental agencies involved in the resettlement process in an attempt to make the process difficult.”

Update: Obama admin bringing in 100 Syrian refugees per day-

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TWA flight 800 The Great untold story of our time

I never really did buy the official story behind the crash and I think a lot of others didn’t either-

Via American Thinker-

“Working through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), researchers have kept the pressure on ever since. This past year, either through indifference or carelessness, authorities released two distinct items that remove virtually all doubt as to what happened on that July night in 1996 and in the months that followed.”

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Open house

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Yale students demand removal of white authors

Read it and be amazed at the stupidity-


As was pointed out by a member of the student union last night on Fox,imagine if we applied the same standard to Physics 

My belief is that the left is anti-liberty,anti-culture,anti-civilization,they are evolutionary throwbacks.Our only hope is that they become extinct.

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Generation Snowflake

Generation Snowflake hides in safe spaces-

Read it and weep



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Trump gaining support among Hispanics

Not supposed to be happening,but then a lot wasn’t supposed to happen in this campaign.

Read it here-

From the article-

“Based on big data analysis over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of Hispanic positive sentiment versus 41 percent for Clinton. Surprisingly, the candidates tie in negative sentiment across Hispanics at 38 percent”

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