Open house

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32 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:


    Why satire is our greatest weapon-

  2. Ronbo says:

    There was a problem here?

    The man was just doing his patriotic duty – harassing terrorists!

  3. KG says:

    File under ‘Who gives a flying fuck?’

    ‘Kiwi kids aren’t getting the best start to the day at breakfast table, according to a Consumer NZ survey which found many cereals are laden with sugar.’

    I bet that’s a real worry to a hungry kid, eh? To all the NZ kids who are being abused, who will be cold and neglected this winter.
    The anti-sugar and antifuckingeverythingbecausethere’sabuckandpowerinit hobbyists and scammers of taxpayer’s money need to piss off, shut up and get a real job. A hell of a lot of us are sick of being lectured and abused by these self-righteous assholes.

  4. Contempt says:

    Yo. A brief update on the well being of my Little Red Sports Car currently being given loving support by yours very truly. In the past year she has had a new white top installed and a new paint job GM Red which looks very good and attracts nice comments. Problems continue with a short or periodic short in the electric connection for the raising/lowering of the top. This problem has been termed by one mechanic as a “twisted mechanism.” (leading me to question was the dude referring to me? or the motor?) Problems to surmount continue to bloom in many areas of her development. Overall, she can outrun any vehicle you commenters may enjoy. Try me! Just give me a 1/4 mile head start on any quarter mile track. The lil red sports car’s 140 horses are well fed and will leave you at the starting line. Onward and upward you creepy ass crackahz.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    There you go again Cointempt et now Rainbow is coming up on d inside. Something is inherently wrong with this pitchure OOPS now Blackberry wants a piece of the action. damn he wants to be the checkered fag. Gotta beep over and out. Yours verily trulililily HarvardPotAtoHead

  6. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile in not-so-merry-olde-England – The polls favor the Fourth Reich losing one-third of its wealth and their fair British province.

    Berlin and Brussels said to be unhappy…

  7. Darin says:

    Sex and defecation:The last two private acts in a surveillance society-

  8. mawm says:

    Valerie Jarrett: Muhammad Ali Led America From Its ‘Original Sin of Slavery and Discrimination’ Towards ‘Salvation’

    One can almost feel their hatred for whites.

    Seeing their last dead black hero (Prince) turned out to be a drug addict it is fortunate for these racists that another high profile black died, and a muslim at that.

    I had a laugh when I saw that Erdogan was cut out of the ‘celebrations’ and ran back to Turkey with his tail between his legs. What is it with these ‘leaders’ that go to funerals of the famous but in reality those of people they did not know in life?

    • Darin says:

      “What is it with these ‘leaders’ that go to funerals of the famous but in reality those of people they did not know in life?”

      Attention whores preening for the cameras.Obama was catching flack because he chose to attend his daughter’s graduation instead of the funeral.I have absolutely nothing for the man,but here he made the right call.In what world does it make more sense to attend the funeral of someone you only knew in passing versus attending a milestone moment of your own flesh and blood offspring?
      The answer?The world where a person gets more credit for spending four years in prison than four years in university,the world they created for themselves.

  9. KG says:


    The left and islamist scum….not at all far apart.

  10. KG says:

    Back in 2012, a widely-publicised study claimed conservatives were prone to psychosis and authoritarianism while leftists were more likely to be socially desirable. That study has now been corrected:
    The authors regret that there is an error in the published version of “Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies” American Journal of Political Science 56 (1), 34–51. The interpretation of the coding of the political attitude items in the descriptive and preliminary analyses portion of the manuscript was exactly reversed.
    Apparently this is merely a minor error.’

    • mawm says:

      I’m shocked! A left wing publication fraudulently denigrated the right! Really?

  11. Ronbo says:

    England: Remember the British Empire! The greatest empire in the history of the world, that at its zenith only 100 years ago had conquered one-fourth of the land and all the seas. Remember you are the Mother Country of nations all over the world united by the English language and love of liberty! REJECT THE EUROPEAN UNION!

  12. Daniel K Day says:

    I don’t know where to send this to you so am leaving the link here.

  13. KG says:

    Politically Correct Schoolgirls Cover Up Their Own Sex Attacks At Hands Of Migrants

  14. KG says:

    ‘Who let them in?’

    Cowardice and betrayal – and it’s destroying our societies.

  15. KG says:

    ‘..classroom indoctrination and the whitewashing of leftist history’

    via David Thompson

  16. KG says:

    Cat, Watching Horror Movie