TWA flight 800 The Great untold story of our time

I never really did buy the official story behind the crash and I think a lot of others didn’t either-

Via American Thinker-

“Working through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), researchers have kept the pressure on ever since. This past year, either through indifference or carelessness, authorities released two distinct items that remove virtually all doubt as to what happened on that July night in 1996 and in the months that followed.”

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2 Responses to TWA flight 800 The Great untold story of our time

  1. MikeH. says:

    Back then, I could have been BS’ed into believing the “official” story. Today, it wouldn’t take much for me to believe Hillary herself triggered that S.A.M. But then, I’m 100% sure the evil bitch is the Anti-Christ.

    • Darin says:

      For an aircraft type that even by that time had millions of flight hours on the design clock with no previous similar failure mode I didn’t really buy the air conditioning unit theory.I figured,well,maybe it was a one off,but like you,knowing what I know now.

      I would be looking at WHO was on that plane.I would not put it past that crowd to off a whole plane load of innocents to rub out the one person they wanted.