Biased Univision reporter owned by Black American

So,the white guy is racist,but he’s the one bleeding….riiiight

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Black robed rats

We find out more about the judge ruling over the Trump University case and none of it is good-

La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

So what we have here is exactly what Trump said it was,a biased,racist,Clinton supporter with an Axe to grind.

More here-

Donald Trump, Judge Curiel, Decepticons and The Non Discussed Motives of The GOPe Quislings…

Courtesy of The Conservative Tree House

Update: Founder of judge Curiel’s group-“Whiles should go back to Europe,California to be Hispanic state”


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I knew this was gonna happen

Transgender teen boy dominates in girls track meet-

More here-

One of the girls Wangyot beat out for a slot at the state meet, Hutchison runner Emma Daniels, took issue with allowing a male athlete to compete in girls events.

“I’m glad that this person is comfortable with who they are and they’re able to be happy in who they are, but I don’t think it’s competitively completely 100-percent fair,”

Hate to break it to you sweetie,but it was never about fairness.

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Sneaky,very sneaky

Panther Attack caught on tape :lol:

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I would like to be a Fly on the wall

Bilderberg 2016-


“For Bilderberg, as for Goldman Sachs, the idea that there might be any kind of push-back against globalisation is a horrific one. I suspect we’ll glimpse some frowning faces behind the tinted glass as the limousines start rolling up on Thursday.”

I’m sure they are just a well meaning charitable organisation :roll:

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Record gun sales 13 months straight

Hmmm….beginning to see a pattern here.

From the Free Beacon

The FBI completed a record 1,870,000 checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, this May, according to an agency report. That’s almost 300,000 more checks than May of 2015, which set a record at the time.

It is also nearly a million more checks than May 2008.

The streak of gun-related background checks have come during a renewed focus by Democratic leaders on gun control efforts. Both President Obama and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have publicly expressed support for Australian-style gun confiscation measures. Clinton has also said the Supreme Court was wrong on Second Amendment gun rights protections.

Molon Labe Bitch! :evil:

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June 6,1944

Hundreds of dead soldiers in stretchers covered with a blankets after D-Day. Killed during Normandy landings, they lie in a temporary cemetery on the cliff of Colleville-sur-Mer, overlooking Omaha Beach, ca. June 8-10, 1944. This scene took place a little west of the permanent Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. France, World War 2. (BSLOC_2014_2_43) (Newscom TagID: evhistorypix026772.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]

It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

  • Charles M. Province
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Open House

Use the empty Beer bottles for targets,the china is a bit expensive 

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The murky politics of Autism hysteria

Not all trends have a basis in reality and correlation does not imply causation.-

Read here-

From the article:

Diagnosed autism prevalence in children is doubling about every seven years, and if historical trends continue, a quarter of all kids will be on the spectrum before 2040.  Is this trend real?  No chance.  There is no established mechanism for such a rapid rise in this “disease,” and given how experts cannot agree on what autism truly is, a massive proportion of these claimed cases are undoubtedly not true autism, but more likely the collective results of the natural variability in human abilities, bad parenting, a poor diet, overstimulation, etc.  The science is strongly suggestive that these other causes are playing a key role in the “epidemic.”

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Is the moving truck there yet?

Michelle Obama “I wake up each day in a house built by slaves”

More BS here-

Trust me M’chelle,there are literally millions,upon millions of people that want you gone from the house.


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