Obama White House F.O.I

Obama White House-Friends of Iran always-

From the Free Beacon

“The administration tried to look the other way, but got called out for it by Congress. Then they spent a month and a half hoping that the whole thing would go away,” the source said. “Now I don’t know what they’re going to do, since it’s obvious that they’re letting Iran import advanced weapons in violation of U.S. law just to preserve the nuclear deal.”

They will do what they have done all along,either straight up support Iran,or turn a blind eye to them cheating.It’s what traitors do.

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Really guys?Really?


Article-Female-named hurricanes kill more than male hurricanes because people don’t respect them, study finds

“People don’t take hurricanes as seriously if they have a feminine name and the consequences are deadly, finds a new groundbreaking study.”

Does it really matter?

So Hurricanes Tarquin and Chad are supposed to be considered masculine and scary now? :lol:



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The latest Woodpile Report is up…

And it’s a beautiful thing,damned if I can make the link work,but you know where it is  

Woodpile Report


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Crusader Rabbit’s new owner

Yep, there will be questions asked about the murky media ownership deal, about the offshore accounts and shadowy figures pulling the strings…
But our media advisor – who I can only name as Rupert X – assures us that such enquiries will come to nothing.
So…Darin is the new owner, the white knight and I owe him a large vote of thanks.
After ten years of blogging it’s time to get back to my core mission of….who knows? So many interests, so little time. And less energy than of yore since I began to glow in the dark.
My thanks to the wonderful commenters in CR, you’ve made it worth the effort and believe me when I say you’ve probably helped keep me (relatively) sane. I’ll still be around but as a guest, for as long as Darin and Bo will put up with me.

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Make the snoops work for it

Hassle-free end-to-end encryption, a simple interface and very fast. In use, the encryption doesn’t intrude at all and it’s quite usable as an every day mail client.  No encryption is 100% secure but that’s no reason to not to make it harder for the bastards.
“…[ProtonMail’s] security measures are intense: end-to-end encryption and user authentication protocols so rigorous even the creators can’t read user emails.”
“ProtonMail hosts its servers in Switzerland… so all user data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.”
“A new email service being developed by a group from MIT and CERN promises to bring secure, encrypted email to the masses and keep sensitive information away from prying eyes.”

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We knew this was coming didn’t we?

First there was “rip every root and branch out” then “repeal and replace” and now “If you want to stay there you can”-

Read here

Obamacare, in other words, would be optional.

“If you want to stay there, you can,” Sessions told me, referring to the millions of Americans who now have insurance through the state or federal exchanges established under the ACA. Or, to borrow a now-discredited line from Democrats: If you like your Obamacare, you can keep it.”

So there it is,the white flag and bended knee of capitulation 

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The Moment of Truth

Pat Condell on the Brexit vote-

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Not cool:

penguin-chick-snow-429770Forecast minima for the Wabbit’s place:
Thursday 0c
Friday 0c
Saturday -1c
Sunday -1c

etc etc……

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‘Australia’s supposedly conservative party is not conservative’

And here’s why

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Apprentice Green loony:

Via Tim Blair  “This is what happens when we let Greens voters raise children.”

Update: The parents are raising a real little asshole.

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