Open house

2015-national-wreaths-across-america-memorial-day-getty-640x480  ‘The Church of Arlington’

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Invaders suffer trivial losses:

‘Over 700 migrants are feared dead in three Mediterranean Sea shipwrecks south of Italy in the last few days as they tried desperately to reach Europe.’  link

We. Don’t. Care. 
The answer is to not come illegally to another country, not to expect other people who have to work and pay taxes to feed, house and clothe you.
In a sane world you would be met with lethal violence by outraged citizens and you’d never make it ashore.


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Headline in the slimeball socialist NZ Herald:
‘Melbourne riots indicate ‘pockets of systemic racism’..’
(They choose to quote only Shorten, Labor Party leader and a lifelong union activist)
In fact the violence was brought to the demonstration by the fascist thugs of ANTIFA, anti-free speech leftist activists. And the rally by anti-islamists certainly didn’t indicate “pockets of systemic racism” – Islam is not a race. Systemic racism belongs to the left, with their rotten BDS campaigns and their insistence in dividing Australia along racial lines as a means to power.
Once again, a complete inversion of the truth from the MSM, carrying water for the racist, anti-freedom left..and few in this country will question it.
For the benefit of those Kiwis who repeat the slur (I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard it) that Aussies are racists: Australia has perhaps the best record of any country except America when it comes to the successful importation and assimilation of refugees of any Western country. The numbers speak for themselves. But the key word is assimilation. When the left succeeded in making that a dirty word and substituted multiculturalism instead, the business of immigration became fraught with danger, ill-feeling and the creation of ghettos whose inhabitants would not and will not ever become Australians.
Just another thing to thank the leftards for…..

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Refute it. If you can.

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We are witnessing cultural suicide

and it is now almost unstoppable

‘..But this week, on the quayside of pretty Porto Empedocle in Sicily, I came across a scene that convinced me more than ever that the explosion in migration is completely out of control..
…Coming down the gangplank they waved at the waiting crowd of TV crews, international charity workers, UN officials, police and Red Cross doctors, as if they were celebrities on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. The crowds cheered back, shouting ‘buongiorno’ (good morning) and clapping as the arrivals set foot on dry land…’   (bold mine)

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Listen up, bath house boy:

‘War Crimes of Imperial Japan: A Lesson In Moral Equivalence for Mr. Obama
In his speech referencing “evil” at Hiroshima today, President Obama somehow forgot to mention the evils perpetrated by Imperial Japan or the unspeakable suffering it inflicted upon POWs and civilians who fell into its clutches. Let’s correct that oversight, to help the President understand why moral equivalence is the dim refuge of lazy minds, and equating American troops with the Axis forces they defeated is an outrage….’

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Memorial Day


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Damn right!


‘If You Don’t Want To Get Nuked Don’t Bomb Pearl Harbor

President Obama has kowtowed to the Japanese and Western liberals by promising at the site of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb “we shall not repeat the evil.”
….Second, they should familiarize themselves with which country it was started this particular war; which country fought it with such sadistic determination that they would frequently torture and bayonet prisoners – even the wounded, in hospitals they’d over-run and would almost always refuse to surrender themselves, making any assault on territory they held more than usually costly in allied lives.
If ever the US finds itself in such circumstances again, let us pray that the president it has at the time is nothing like Barack Obama.’

Congress Must Censure President Obama over Hiroshima Speech

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Open house

And FFS Kiwis, grow up!
(Mind you, what else to expect when the same newspaper’s headline article is about a retiring TV newsreader? )

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A workable “refugee” policy

invadersI’m sick and tired of seeing invaders referred to as “migrants” and “refugees”.

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