Memorial Day


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12 Responses to Memorial Day

  1. Ronbo says:

    TAPS for the fallen heroes who are only remembered by a few old graybeards like me, as the younger generations are totally ignorant of what used to be common knowledge.

    I saw a recent man on the street interviewer ask a couple of dozen young people at random questions like, “Who did America fight in WW II?”

    The most common answer? “France.”

  2. mara says:

    As you know Ronbo, it is not so much that history is being forgotten, it is now actively being denied. How do old folks like us counter this? Like you ,I would repel with fire anyone bad on my doorstep but what does a Country do against a bad Government? You got Obama twice and maybe Hillary next time. What gives?

  3. Ronbo says:

    My gut, which is never wrong, tells me that the Hildabeast will never be president for many reasons, but chief one is that she isn’t a lovable rogue like husband Bill. The public has to like you before they vote for, which, come to think of it, accounts for the reason Obama was elected twice, he’s a lovable little Teddy Bear to millions of Americans who are stupid enough to believe his lies.

    What do we old folks do when the country we love turns against us?

    I guess we get to pick the hill we die on.

  4. Darin says:

    Headlines up on Drudge-
    Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial…
    Covered in graffiti…

    “The Los Angeles Police Department said it is not investigating the case.

    CBS2/KCAL9’s Jeff Nguyen reached out to L.A. City Councilman Mike Bonin, whose district includes Venice to see if anything can be done but has not heard back as of Friday night.”

    Purple Heart plant bed for wounded ripped apart…
    American flags pulled from park honoring military…

    91 y/o WWII vet beaten with Oxygen tank-

    Woodchipper :evil:

    • KG says:


      • Ronbo says:

        Civil war…wait until next year after Trump becomes president, the ruling class knows they’re on the fast track out of power and in the history of the world, no ruling class has went quietly into the night.

        There Will Be Blood and it ain’t a movie.

  5. Ronbo says:

    The Memorial Day Story For 2016 – a 94 year old Army Air Force veteran drops dead in Britain on his Last Mission In Europe.

    TAPS! read:

  6. Darin says:

    “Thousands of living Vets declared dead,lose benefits-

    Oh, it’s an accident,Riiiiiiight :roll: