
GotlobBerger The link between socialism (ie the government you have now) and Nazism. And that link is very real. From The Prussian

Gotlob Berger, mastermind of the Waffen-SS, and responsible for the death-marches

And still, the ignorant clowns of the left continue to describe conservatives as “nazis”, a complete inversion of reality.

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It’s time to start cracking some heads:

SJWs Threaten, Assault Attendees at Milo Yiannopoulos Speech
These little fascists are actually a tiny, inordinately vocal minority and it’s high time they were introduced to the concept of consequences.

Nobody attempting to stifle free speech is an innocent party. Nobody.

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A country drowning in trivial shit:

Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 9.26.54 AM Headlines, NZ’s Stuff News. (Click for larger)

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Almost forgot: Earth Day 2016

Earthday 2016


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Turncoat Turnbull

Or perhaps not…the bastard was always a leftist. after all:
‘Malcolm Turnbull’s allies are privately assuring Leftist media critics that Turnbull, once elected, will be as Left as they like. He’s just got to fool the voters and his party until then….’

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Open house

“In this era of women-only parking, women-only trains, women-only apartments and transgender bathrooms, it seems the only acceptable man is a man who wants to be a woman.”

Miranda Devine, Australia.

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Yet another attack

on our traditions and institutions, led by leftist slimeballs and happily parroted by the clowns employed in the NZ media:
Red, white, purple: what colour of poppy do you wear?
To answer the question: I wear a red poppy, always have, always will. Fuck you.

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‘Key and the Chinese Connection’

An excellent post by Redbaiter, who correctly points out the role of the supine, trivia-peddling  NZ media in this.

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Nanny is not happy:

‘All-you-can-eat McDonald’s fries not the right fit for New Zealand’

Because Kiwis mustn’t be allowed to decide what they want to eat, presumably?
Perhaps Nanny should indulge in some sex and, eff off.

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NZ is slouching towards a fascist state:

The chilling of free speech, stage 1…
‘Kiwi man jailed for sending ‘disturbing’ Facebook video
A 28-year-old Nelson man has been jailed for sending a disturbing video to a woman via Facebook in the first prosecutions under a new communications act.
Aaron Stephen Tamihana of Richmond, near Nelson, was was sentenced to 11 months imprisonment at Nelson District Court on Monday.
Police had prosecuted him under the new Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 introduced in July last year….’

People do not have a right not to be offended. And there is no possible objective test of what constitutes “emotional harm”.
That this absurd and evil act was passed with almost no public resistance speaks volumes about the apathy of Kiwis, and their indifference concerning the loss of liberties. They’ll get the society they deserve.
These are the kind of hysterical morons the act is supposed to protect. They now dictate what you may and may not say.

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