Pelicans, Lake Eyre

PelicansEyre A magical place, situated in the north of South Australia, where every so often legendary Australian rivers such as the Diamantina and Cooper flood and occasionally fill the lake, sometimes weeks later.
‘..Birds such as pelicans and banded stilts are drawn to a filled lake from southern coastal regions of Australia, and from as far afield as Papua New Guinea. During the 1989—90 flood it was estimated that 200,000 pelicans, 80% of Australia’s total population, came to feed & roost at Lake Eyre. Scientists are presently unable to determine how such birds appear able to detect the filling of the lake, even when hundreds or thousands of miles away from the basin..’
Link     (click the pic for full size)

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The human cost of red tape

The result of collusion between corrupt unions and corrupt politicians.
The tribunal looks like being abolished, at last, but only because the loathsome lefty Turnbull faces a very closely-fought election.

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Open house


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Hunting the new heretics:

‘Democratic AGs, climate change groups colluded on prosecuting dissenters, emails show
In the hours before they took the stage for their March 29 press conference, Democratic attorneys general received a secret briefing from two top environmentalists on pursuing climate change dissenters.
Peter Frumhoff of the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Climate Accountability Institute’s Matt Pawa spent 45 minutes each providing talking points behind the scenes on “the imperative of taking action now” and “climate change litigation,” according to a cache of emails released over the weekend by the free market Energy & Environmental Legal Institute.
For climate change groups, the New York press event was the culmination of four years of planning and advocacy in support of an explosive proposition: using the legal system to link fossil fuel firms and others challenging the catastrophic global warming consensus to fraud and even racketeering, the emails and other documents show….’

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It’s always “racism”…

FOREIGN doctors made up three quarters of those struck off the British medical register between 2010 and 2015, according to official figures.
The largest number of foreign doctors struck off came from India, followed by Pakistan and Nigeria.

…The statistics were revealed just a week after it emerged that NHS bosses want to recruit 400 trainee GPs from India to help to ease staff shortages.

…“In the past not enough was done to support them. This is something we are addressing,” Dr Ramesh Mehta, president of the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, claimed that racism was a factor in the high numbers. …’
Well, of course. It’s racist to object to docs secretly filming female patients and groping them or falsely claiming to have removed a brain tumour.

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Spot the racist.

‘Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression

A professional education consultant and teacher trainer argued at the White Privilege Conference (WPC) in Philadelphia that great teachers must also be liberal activists, and described in detail her goal for destroying the “white supremacist” nature of modern education..’
…On Friday, Hackman was given a platform at WPC to deliver a workshop with the lengthy title “No Freedom Unless We Call Out the Wizard Behind The Curtain: Critically Addressing the Corrosive Effects of Whiteness in Teacher Education and Professional Development.”…’

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Liars or incompetents? You decide.

How an unemployed Westie discredited a key police report on cannabis
‘…Dawson flicks through the data and finds an example; a case where a woman has been admitted to hospital because of birthing complications. The original data shows several different codes associated with obstetrics and a live birth, as well as F122, which is “cannabis dependence”.
But the Maxwell data ignores the other factors, says the “secondary” reason for the woman’s admission was cannabis and attributes the cost of the hospital stay to the drug. “It’s ludicrous,” Dawson says. “It was a birthing matter, it’s got nothing to do with cannabis”.
Elsewhere, he finds a case where someone has spent 240 days in hospital due to prostate cancer – again counted as a “cannabis-related” admission in the Maxwell data. “There’s no study on the planet that makes that link.”
…Using this logic, just over 200 people a year are admitted to hospital because of cannabis. Police had exaggerated the numbers ten-fold…’
Wabbit would be willing to bet that figures on smoking and health are derived in the same fashion.

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Daniel Greenfield:

‘…The decadent civilization obsessively manages risk. Its layers of government are mainly dedicated to that task. Accomplishment in a decadent civilization becomes a difficult task because of the many lawyers of corporate and government risk management standing in the way of getting anything done.
…A vigorous civilization rushes out to deal with threats. A decadent civilization imprisons itself out of fear. ..’
In the City of the Decadents

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NZ’s separatism

From Muriel Newman:
• Maori-only schools,
• Special Maori content in the education curriculum,
• Maori-only education scholarships,
• Maori-only housing projects,
• Maori-only health initiatives,
• Maori-only welfare initiatives,
• Maori-only prisoner programmes,
• Maori-only positions on government agencies,
• Maori-only consultation rights under the Resource Management Act,
• Maori-only co-management of parks, rivers, lakes, and the coastline,
• Maori-only ownership rights to the foreshore and seabed,
• A special Maori Authority tax rate of 17.5 percent,
• A special Maori-only exemption to allow blood relatives to qualify for charitable status,
• Maori language funding,
• Maori radio and TV,
• Maori-only seats on local councils,
• Maori-only appointments onto local government committees,
• Maori-only local government Statutory Boards,
• Maori-only local government advisory committees,
• Maori seats in Parliament,
And still they whine and demand more…

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Spot the connection:

‘University students are struggling to read entire books’
‘Thousands of teachers flock to ‘White Privilege Conference’…’

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