Open house

In New Zealand, even rats can be electricians:
‘..A fire investigator said the likely cause of the blaze was faulty wiring due to rats.’
NZ Herald

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“Cultural enrichment” – via lice:

‘A former luxury hotel-turned migrant centre in Austria is the site of an outbreak of a deadly bacterial disease which has seen at least one migrant put into intensive care.
The outbreak of louse-born relapsing fever is just the latest re-emergence of diseases long thought exterminated in Europe, carried back to the continent by a great migratory movement of millions of people from Africa and Asia. Particularly associated with Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia, the extremely contagious bacteria causes severe illness and can be fatal in 30 to 70 per cent of cases, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention…’

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The leeches bleeding New Zealand


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Why democracy is a sham

and your vote is meaningless:
‘The Politburo of the United Nations is already U.S. President
No matter who emerges as the 45th president of the USA on November 8, it is not the newly-elected president who will get to control civil life.
That privilege belongs to The Politburo of the United Nations, which while most people still seem to hold only in the abstract, now controls almost every facet of civilian life.
The United Nations Politburo is already president of the United States; the president,  prime minister and king of almost every other country on Earth.  Long before gaining—through breath-taking stealth—the highest offices of the lands, they already owned the mayors and municipal councils of both towns and cities, whose elected officials were used both knowingly and unknowingly to spread their toxic Agenda 21….’

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Bill Whittle

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Eff off, you liars.

”The Trump Effect’: Report says children of colour are traumatised by 2016 campaign..’
Whining black college students are now “children of colour” eh… Those same “children” aren’t traumatised by the black knockout game, or by black mobs ransacking stores, or by black-on-black shootings. Nossir.
Words from whitey will do it, though….

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McHale’s Navy:

‘Navy’s newest vessels haven’t left port for years
Two of the Navy’s newest vessels haven’t left port in years, and in the past three months, just five of the Navy’s 11 ships have made it out to sea.
New figures from the Defence Force show in-shore patrol vessel HMNZS Pukaki hasn’t spent a single day out of port since the end of 2012, and HMNZS Taupo hasn’t done the same since the end of 2013, Newshub reported….’

And how many senior officers does the NZ Navy have sitting on their backsides in Wellington?

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Australians beware:

‘Tribal Australia: China deploys Chinese Australians to influence our politics’
Kiwis would do well to take note. Long before John Key started importing large numbers of Chinese, a New Zealand PM acted to shut down protests against a visiting Chinese politician. How much greater is Chinese influence on NZ politics today?
China is colonising the Pacific, and this colonisation will be nowhere near as benign as that by Europeans was.

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Open house

‘Shade warning’

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New Zealand:

The U.N.’s socialist poodle, even under National – the so-called alternative to the left. If Labour was in charge, what would be different?

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