Colonel B. Bunny:

‘Uncapitalism and the immediate future’
‘..The mere fact that people like her (Clinton) and Sanders and Obama were ever given serious consideration is an indication of how corrupt and moronic the electorate has become. An electorate so indifferent to and ignorant of liberty makes rational reform impossible. About all the non-parasitic electorate is saying now is “we’re hurting and we’re pissed.” That’s wonderful but look at the difficulty bloggers and activists have in trying to warn of such a simple thing as the disaster of Muslim immigration. It’s a rare American who understands the threat. Virtually the entire educated population lives to grovel at the feet of foreigners and grind their own countrymen into the dust. So how likely are the electorate to make informed decisions on anything? What can you say about a country that supports an Obama or a Clinton?..’

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More glaring double standards from the left

With all the intellect of a braying Jack Ass the left once again points out it’s own hypocrisy. Read here

“The left knows it can’t win on the merits in the debate about religious freedom and bathroom privacy. These bills enjoy strong public support—that’s why elected representatives are voting to pass them. And it’s why corporate elites have to target governors to veto them.”

I for one know literal busloads of people slitting their wrists in despair that Brian Adams won’t be coming to town :roll:

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“So what is he going to do about it?”

‘UK “Equalities” Chief Admits He Was Wrong, Muslims Won’t Assimilate’
Pamela Geller:
“The handful of us who have, for years, predicted and warned of the disastrous consequences of large-scale Muslim immigration have been smeared, defamed, and blacklisted — our reputations destroyed. And now once again we have been shown to have been right all along.”

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‘EU loaning millions to Chinese steel companies that threaten 40,000 UK jobs
BRITISH taxpayers have been forced to subsidise the very Chinese steel companies that are threatening 40,000 UK jobs, critics say….” 

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Open house

Follow the money:

“The Senate Conservatives Fund (PAC) purchasing massive quantities ($400,000) of Mark Levin’s books in exchange for favorable candidacy political opinion. Conveniently hidden by the radio host who avoids mentioning the financial conflict created,”

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The promoters of racism and separatism:

..The Maori Party is calling for a “long overdue” law change to establish Maori wards on every district council in New Zealand.
Co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell will present a petition to Parliament at the urging of New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd, who championed the creation of a Maori ward in his city – a move blocked by a public vote last year.
Under existing legislation, councils can choose to establish Maori wards. However, if 5 per cent of voters sign a petition opposed to such a move, the decision then goes to a binding referendum.
……”Everyone is aware of the low participation of Maori in local government and the existing legislation is clearly inadequate,” he said…’

It’s merely a backdoor tactic to get what they know most New Zealanders oppose. Maori “leaders” are all for the rules – until those rules and laws don’t advantage Maori.
The “low participation” he speaks of has everything to do with laziness and apathy, just as it does with most voters where local politics are concerned and nothing whatsoever to do with Maori being disadvantaged. This is yet another racist power grab, nothing less.
Most people in this country seldom think about race, but Maori “leaders” and activists are determined to exploit it to their advantage. Who are the racists here?

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Absolutely beautiful!

Today,Space X’s Falcon 9 made it’s first successful first stage landing on a barge at sea

Watch the video here

This is a big deal,the phrase is over used these days,but this really is a game changer.Being able to launch a spacecraft into orbit and have the heavy lift and very expensive first stage return for landing and reuse is a major step forward.If this reaches full development,it will have the effect of dramatically lowering the cost of putting things in space.

All of this happened,this moment in history and not a peep about it in the national media.

Notice the speed that the Dragon capsule is traveling at near the end of the video-27,112 KPH

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Serious horsepower

02-Toledo-8-22-09-djwclick on the pic for full-size

I think this is a Gar Wood design. Can anybody identify the engine manufacturer?

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The slippery Key

(The one who denied taking sides in the recent flag debate and who is propping up the NZ economy by importing thousands of Chinese.)

‘John Key’s secret flag donor luncheon
Prime Minister John Key was the star guest at a private fundraising lunch for the Change the Flag lobby group in a last-ditch bid to raise cash from wealthy Chinese donors who supported a flag change.
….(Change the Flag chairman) Mr Holden confirmed the event to the Weekend Herald but would not say who the donors were or how much they gave. He said a little more than $100,000 was raised for the entire Change the Flag campaign – some from the Chinese donors, who wanted the Union Jack gone from the New Zealand ensign.
“We talked about the treaties the British signed with the Chinese, the Boxer Rebellion, all those sort of points of Chinese history. It’s interesting because that sort of thing still comes out. Obviously, the colonisation of Hong Kong.
….”We knew there was support in the Chinese community because of the Union Jack,” Mr Holden said….’
(bold mine)
Doing the bidding of his new colonial masters?

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‘How to get men to do chores’

Is a NZ Stuff news headline.
I’d have thought the answer was simple, ladies.
All you have to do is create enough time in his day – and the best way to do that is for you to learn how to clean out the grease trap, replace tap washers, fix a broken window, change the oil in the car, climb up into the roof space to locate and fix that leak that only happens when it’s blowing southerly, fix the toilet cistern valve…..the list goes on. It’s endless.
Of course, it might take you a while to learn a few things but hey, women are better at multi-tasking, right? So you’ll be able to flip through some home maintenance manuals while having (ethically sourced) coffee with the girls during the next shopping trip.
There ya go – problem solved.

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