The promoters of racism and separatism:

..The Maori Party is calling for a “long overdue” law change to establish Maori wards on every district council in New Zealand.
Co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell will present a petition to Parliament at the urging of New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd, who championed the creation of a Maori ward in his city – a move blocked by a public vote last year.
Under existing legislation, councils can choose to establish Maori wards. However, if 5 per cent of voters sign a petition opposed to such a move, the decision then goes to a binding referendum.
……”Everyone is aware of the low participation of Maori in local government and the existing legislation is clearly inadequate,” he said…’

It’s merely a backdoor tactic to get what they know most New Zealanders oppose. Maori “leaders” are all for the rules – until those rules and laws don’t advantage Maori.
The “low participation” he speaks of has everything to do with laziness and apathy, just as it does with most voters where local politics are concerned and nothing whatsoever to do with Maori being disadvantaged. This is yet another racist power grab, nothing less.
Most people in this country seldom think about race, but Maori “leaders” and activists are determined to exploit it to their advantage. Who are the racists here?

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4 Responses to The promoters of racism and separatism:

  1. Yokel says:

    Please forgive me if I am being an absolute prat from the other side of the world, but …
    Is there not a remarkable similarity between these folks and another set … ? It seems to me as if most of both groups sit around doing nothing much all day, expecting to get paid for it, and then when they say “you’ve got, I want” believe that it is now rightfully theirs. Perhaps one could conclude (but I wouldn’t dare to) that Lefty is allowing the Maori to get away with this so that Lefty has a bankable “see it’s not something specific to Muslims” next time whitey observes that brown matter has started flying off the fan blades. OK that would require a bit more forethought than we usually give Lefty credit for; but they are fighting for our lives at present.

    • KG says:

      Interestingly, maoris in prison are converting to islam in considerable numbers…….

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I got into it on twitter with a muslim who had some sort of doctorate on colonial oppression. His job (funded by whom we can only imagine) seemed to be solely to agitate the natives, or in other words, undermine race relations in post colonial Christian societies. As I recall this cropped up in the run-up to the last Australia day.

        Supposedly this arab muslim from Wherever-istan was deeply troubled by the centuries-old institutionalised injustices faced by the Aboriginal people of Australia.

        Give me a fucking break. All they see is potential fodder for their war against the rest of the world. The maoris can be certain that if the caliphate ever submerged New Zealand then the preferential treatment they enjoy would dry up in five seconds flat and Arab/African muslims would transition quickly to marginalising maori muslims before charging them shortly thereafter with some vague form of heresy and butchering them all like cattle.