Open house

Follow the money:

“The Senate Conservatives Fund (PAC) purchasing massive quantities ($400,000) of Mark Levin’s books in exchange for favorable candidacy political opinion. Conveniently hidden by the radio host who avoids mentioning the financial conflict created,”

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84 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson.
    Bought and paid for.

    • Darin says:

      Hopefully they have destroyed their careers. I’ve lost all respect for Mark Levin never thought he would turnout as a party shill.

      • C-CS says:

        neither did I–sad

        • KG says:

          They were always simply opportunist businessmen who identified a market and successfully exploited it. I pointed that out about Beck, O’Reilly and Levin some time ago to a friend, and he disagreed strongly, citing Levin especially as a “real conservative”.
          Perhaps- if he remembers the conversation – he’ll have the grace to acknowledge the facts.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            KG, I’m assuming the conversation you refer to is one we had.

            While acknowledging the SCF has purchased a quantity of Levin’s books (the exact quantum I don’t know), I would suggest you check the source of the article and take the remainder of the allegations with a barrel of salt.

            To give the allegations any credence whatever, you have to accept the premise that Cruz is an establishment candidate. In order to do that, you have to believe his entire life – from the time he was 13 years old – has been a lie. His entire working career, fighting against Washington – both parties AND the bureaucracy – was all a set-up for him to slip into the Presidency as the establishment candidate, in an anti-establishment year. The ultimate Manchurian Candidate, if you will. And if you’re willing to believe that, while not giving any credence to the idea that Trump – a life-long liberal democrat and good friend of most liberal democrats, including the Clintons – isn’t a plant to give Queen Cacklepants an easy ride into the White House, then I really don’t know what to say.

            Roger Stone is a thug. Always has been, always will be. The reason Nixon got the moniker “Tricky Dick”? Stone’s tactics. Stone is a Trump surrogate with the benefit of not actually being (directly) on the Trump payroll.

            I find it laughable that anybody takes credence when a PoS like Stone makes allegations of impropriety or corruption; he who has a 5-decade long history of thuggery and corruption to his name, and who has said he’ll release to Trump’s stormtroopers the names and hotel room numbers of any delegates who don’t vote for Trump at the Convention.

            Apart from that, the only concession I’m prepared to make is that Trump has done more than Boehner, McConnell, Obama or Clinton (or all of them combined) to fracture the Conservative movement and the TEA Party. Having done so while simultaneously experiencing a psychotic break is quite remarkable, but done so he has.

            Oh, and why did these allegations surface now? Because Levin announced on Friday he had finally had enough of Trump’s trumpertantrums, sleazy tactics and underhand moves and was joining the #NeverTrump movement. Also because someone in the Trump camp has finally figured out how to count, and realised Trump won’t get to 1,237 on the first ballot, has played the delegate game like a lazy, entitled know-nothing and will lose most of his delegates to Cruz on the second.

  2. Robertv says:

    The Icelandic Phallological Museum

  3. Alan says:

    Easy to see scenario. Contested convention, Trump booted out, Trump supporters stay home instead of voting at election time. Election handed to Democrats. Perish the thought.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      If the rules permit, I’d hope Trump goes independent or ‘write-in’. Bernie or Hillary in the White House will be bad for everybody on the planet. Except Bernie and Hillary.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        That math has been done. By the time of the convention, Trump cannot legally appear on the ballot as an Independent for more than 50% of the electoral college.

        When he loses the nomination to Cruz, all those newly-minted Trumpkins voting in the Republican primary will do what they were always going to do anyway: pull the lever for Queen Cacklepants.

  4. MvL says:

    The clockmaker is back.
    As fascinating as ever.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      For a moment I thought you were talking about Ahmed Mohamed, aka “Clock Boy”.

  5. Jamie says:

    Tommy Robinson on trial for his life


    A few details on his case…

    The last time Tommy was in prison, he was locked up with hardened Muslim criminals who wanted to kill him. He was repeatedly attacked and beaten up, and ended up in the prison hospital more than once.

    On one occasion he was locked in a cell with several Muslim prisoners, one of whom (a Somali, if I remember correctly) was about throw boiling water in his face. Tommy acted pre-emptively, knocked the boiling water away, and beat up the man who tried to throw it on him.

    It is this incident for which he is being charged

    So here’s the plan: Lock up the most charismatic leader the British Counterjihad has. Put him in with his most dangerous enemies — Muslim criminals who have promised to kill him. Make sure that the guards are absent or looking the other way when the trouble starts. Then, as far as the shariah-compliant British state is concerned, the problem has been solved.

    The UK, like all the other enlightened governments of Western Europe, has abolished the death penalty. But there’s more than one way to kill a political nuisance — you don’t have to march him up the steps to the gibbet, put the noose around his neck, and open the trapdoor under him.

    What is happening to Tommy Robinson is capital punishment by alternative means

    • KG says:

      Yes, it is. While leftists riot with impunity.
      The time has come for the Brits to start killing politicians.

  6. Darin says:

    Don’t know what the big deal is,probably just getting ready for a hunting trip :roll:

    • KG says:

      Lone wolf. Tough childhood. Not at all representative of any ideology. Nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep.

  7. Darin says:

    Milo nails it in under three minutes-

  8. KG says:

    You always wondered about that, didn’t you?

  9. KG says:

    Fish rescue. Note the behaviour of its mate.

  10. Darin says:

    Cats being jerks?No,Cats being Cats :lol:

  11. Darin says:

    Cringe worthy feminist compilation-

    The one trying to buy up the iphones is priceless

  12. Bo Chandler says:

    I wonder how long the 60 minutes crew will be spending in a Lebanese jail? Or will their employers cough up the obligatory bribe.

  13. Yokel says:

    As the weekend continues to degenerate, could anyone point me to a non link with a name or two in it? PJS or YMA might be the initials.

    British judges at their more stupid.

    • KG says:

      The interesting thing here is that ALL search engines (including Russia’s Yandex) have a blackout on the names. 8O
      So, who controls the search engines? Gag orders in other countries are routinely flouted by the media and search engines, but not the Brits?
      I don’t care who is rolling around rooting in a bath of olive oil, but I DO care very much about media censorship, especially when stinking Brit anti free speech laws can be exported this way.
      Isn’t it odd, how the Western press would gleefully report on things banned by the Soviet and Chinese press, yet this ban in one Western country applies across all media available to us?

      • Yokel says:

        I was hoping that you’d all know and have a list of sites that then I wouldn’t be able to access. At least then I’d know the extent of the Great British Firewall. Indeed KG what you report is troubling. The extent of the censorship is much greater than I had feared.

        The Scots newspaper that named him hasn’t put the article on line for fear of upsetting the English judges. I believe it is the National Enquirer that put the name on line in the States, but when I try to find it I am aggressively diverted to their UK site. Of course there is nothing to see on the UK site.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          We are past the time of censorship truly mattering.

          Those of us who have taken the red pill now accept that the system that rules over us is corrupt beyond redemption.

          The only remaining question is when our own personal line in the sand is crossed.

          • Yokel says:

            Bo, points accepted.

            I was hoping that there might be evidence I could use to persuade others to “take the red pill”. But, as always, those who manipulate the system leave little trace behind them. [Expletive deleted], they are doing Satan’s work so well!

  14. Darin says:

    The Black Pigeon Speaks-Micro-aggressions and the rise of Hypersensitive victim hood culture-

  15. KG says:

    Why conservatives are losing:

    This applies to far more than the “climate change” issue.

    • Darin says:

      And they never say we told you so.Sarah Palin was ridiculed for “drill baby drill”but it turned out to be 100% the right policy didn’t it?

  16. KG says:

    “I come from [South Africa], the crime capital of the world, and I have had more thefts here in three years than I ever did there.”

    • Darin says:

      This kind of stuff costs everyone a fortune in insurance premiums and taxes.And things will never change until we start punishing criminals again.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Seems to me like some of these folks need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pretending that the government is going to come to their rescue.

      They should be making their own collective arrangement for security and demanding the government subsidise it on the basis that they’re doing a job that the police are clearly incapable of.

      If the government fails to do so then they should start with-holding taxes and rates.

      But it’s just so much easier to fill out the insurance forms and bitch about it to the newspapers isn’t it?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “Seems to me like some of these folks need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pretending that the government is going to come to their rescue”

        Welcome to New Zealand, my friend. The land where there is no problem in life either too large or too small for a government programme to solve.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      When I was Range Officer for the Deerstalker’s Association our little shed was regularly vandalised for the takings. When I broached the subject, I was asked if I had not heard of General Freyberg and his 40,000 thieves, as if this was a badge of honour.
      Theft in New Zealand is a bloody national disgrace!

  17. Darin says:

    Florida farmer bags big Alligator-

  18. Darin says:

    Automobile production mid 1930’s-

  19. mara says:

    The paper, or was it Stuff, recently had a piece on illegal gun ownership and how it wasn’t known exactly how criminals obtained their guns. Bullshit writ large! The cops just need to spend time listening to experienced gun shop owners as I have done. It is all very clear. I didn’t know until recently though, that foreign sailors docked in Port will exchange an AK47 for a sewing machine. Being a nosy cow who will openly ask people ANYTHING, it’s amazing how much information comes my way. Be more curious people, this blog’s people excepted; you already are.

  20. KG says:

    ‘BETRAYED: EU sticks two fingers up at Dutch voters and opens door to 45 MILLION Ukrainians
    EUROPE’S elite tonight dropped all pretence of respecting democracy by plotting to grant visa-free travel to 45 million Ukrainians in direct defiance of the Dutch referendum result…’

    Some selective killing is called for. All pretence is over – these are not “representatives of the people”, they’re tyrannical asshole rulers, destroying Western cultures in order to feather their own nests and accumulate power.

  21. Bo Chandler says:

    A partial translation: Penitentiary agents reveal that: Entire sections of a big prison in France are currently de facto ruled by an “islamist militia” armed with knifes, picks and bricks, and operating a “salafist” ultra-islamist mosque – within the walls of the prison…

    In the USA the blacks used the federal prisons as a base. Later the northern latinos would overbear them before themselves being subdued by the southern latinos.

    As Tommy Robinson has discovered, when the prisons are full of muslims it will be a snap for the government to dispose of anti-globalist dissidents by getting a bogus warrant, denying bail and having folks like us shanked in our cells before we ever make it to trial.

  22. Ronbo says:

    GOP Elites won’t allow Republicans to vote in Colorado!


    Interestingly, this article I wrote in 2005 calling for a Second American is getting hit like crazy:

    I think people are finally beginning to get it!

    Like John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.”

    • Darin says:

      Yup and I will go so far to say that if Cruz allows this to stand it is more proof that he is anything but an establishment insider.F–k the RNC ! :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Come off it guys.

        Trump has spent years greasing the palms of liberal politicians from both sides. When asked about it, he’s claimed that’s what you have to do as a businessman to get things done. He’s playing within the rules (notwithstanding the clear breaches of various laws). Don’t hate the player baby, hate the game.

        The primaries and cauci that Trump has won have mainly been open. They have had Democrats voting in the GOP primary. That’s a ludicrous rule-set, but he’s used it to get democrat voters to the GOP primaries (those same newly-minted Republicans will, of course, not vote for him in the General over Queen Cacklepants). Those are the rules, and he won those states by playing the rules. Don’t hate the player baby, hate the game.

        In that light, the Colorado party cancelled their Primary 8 months ago. It wasn’t news last week, and it wasn’t a surprise last week. Doing so was within the Party rules. All of the campaigns knew about it. The Trump campaign, being basically lazy, chose to not put a ground game together and as a result, got their asses handed to them. Cruz, on the other hand, being a thorough and disciplined character, put 100 people on the ground to work the precincts and court delegates. Don’t hate the player baby, hate the game.

        Would Trump have been crying like a little bitch if he’d won Colorado? Nah, thought not. “Fair” seems to be defined as “that which benefits Trump”.

        He’s claimed over and over and over again that he makes the best deals. That he has the best people. Clearly, like most everything else that comes from his mouth or his keyboard, that is a falsehood. My guess is in the business world when you lose a piece in the chess-game that is a complex business negotiation, you don’t take to Twitter and cry like a 3-year-old that it isn’t fair.

        I sincerely hope he loses New York by 2 votes. That way, the lack of discipline in that family (2 of his 3 oldest children forgot to register as Republicans by the deadline) will be plain for all to see.

        • Darin says:

          Yes and when Trump fails to get the 1237 it will go to convention at which point the GOP will choose the nominee they want and Cruz will be shocked to find out it’s not him,or Trump,or Kasich,but instead Ryan and Bush.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            In which case the GOP will go the way of the whigs.

            What a wasted opportunity. If trump hadn’t launched unjustified, unwarranted attacks on Cruz, if he hadn’t lied constantly about Cruz, if he hadn’t smeared Cruz and tried to destroy him personally … if only he wasn’t a toddler – a unity ticket could have reformed the GOP and transformed the nation for a generation or more. But the fact is trump is an undisciplined 3 year-old. He’s a cunt and has surrounded himself with cunts. But then, he was never in it to win it.

  23. Darin says:

    9 year old report scoops local media in murder case-

    So she received information from a source,went to the scene and confirmed the information BEFORE reporting it.That’s a better job than 99.5% of the “media” can manage.

  24. KG says:

    ‘GERMAN authorities were left red-faced when troops were forced to pull out of a recent Nato training exercise after they exceeded new overtime limits set by Angela Merkel’s government.
    Soldiers taking part in a month-long drill in Norway returned to their homeland after less than two weeks when they fell foul of strict new rules by Berlin which limit the amount of time recruits can be on active duty.
    It follows claims savage budget cuts have left German forces training with broom handles instead of guns.
    Reforms instigated by Ursula von der Leyen, defence minister, restrict soldiers to work a 41-hour week.
    …The defence minister also faced criticism for installing children’s day care centres on army bases and timetabling military service to fit with the school holidays….’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      This sort of thing leaves me scratching my head.

      Is the strategy to hollow out the military and then collapse it? To build something new and grotesquely globalist from the ruins?

      So what’s the target for this run-around?

      • KG says:

        Its to clear the way for the new EUSSR Army?
        Because that’s coming, and sooner rather than later.

  25. Ronbo says:

    “Reforms instigated by Ursula von der Leyen, defense minister, restrict soldiers to work a 41-hour week.”

    A woman defense minister?

    “Your Honor, I rest my case against allowing women to vote and hold political office.”

  26. Ronbo says:

    In regards to the all-out political war between the top dogs still standing out of a race for the Republican nomination that started with something 18 candidates (or was it 20?) – Cruz and Trump – The GOP Elite Leadership, Progressive Oligarchy, The Ruling Class…whatever we are calling them this week – find either Trump or Cruz totally unacceptable to be the Republican nominee for president – and will sink both of them with the same happy heart – that a German U-Boat commander would sink an Allied Destroyer in the North Atlantic during 1943.

    So it would appear the only way to get outsiders into the White House is by way of the magical 1237 delegates come the first ballot at the GOP Convention in Cleveland this summer – and since both Trump and Cruz cannot reach the goal (do the math) the only way to win would be for both men to be on the same ticket as vice president and president – which would mean one of them giving up their hard won delegates to the other guy for taking a lesser office, the vice presidency.

    At this bitter moment in the primary process with so much blood in the water between Trump and Cruz, I can’t imagine that happening, especially when normally intelligent, cool, rational and level headed people like Gantt hate Trump so bad they refuse capitalize the “T” in his name….but stranger things have happened in history – For example, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin as Allies in WW II.

    In any event, if the two Republican opponents cannot make a deal, We The People lose control of the GOP Convention and the Oligarchy will get their man on the second ballot, which I believe is what happened to Reagan in 1976.

    …and we lose WW III.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “…the only way to win would be for both men to be on the same ticket as vice president and president…”

      There was a time when that might have been possible. Hell, I even advocated for it myself right here in these pages. For it to have worked, Trump would have had to take the top spot, with Cruz as Veep for 8 years before sliding into the top spot in 2024 (he will only be 54 then, still plenty of time). Then Trump decided to take the low road. In every single other case during this Primary season, when Trump has swung at someone, it was in retaliation – he did not fire first at any time, until he decided to turn his guns on Cruz. He’s engaged in such a disgusting smear campaign – even employing two of the lowest rat-fuckers to ever play the game in Stone and Manafort – I don’t see any way he could possibly now reach out to Cruz. They tried everything they could on Cruz, questioning his legitimacy to run, even to the point of accusing him of being some kind of Don Juan, schtooping every woman in sight. Absolutely appalling tactics only ever employed by leftists. I don’t believe there’s any way in the world Cruz can now accept a unity ticket (meaning Cruz giving up his delegates to Trump on the second ballot) and honestly, I think if he did so, serving 8 years under a President Trump would damage his reputation and integrity beyond repair. And that’s before we even get to Trump’s whingeing and crying about “cheating” and “unfair processes” and “stolen delegates” (all of which is bullshit).

      Recall, as an aside, that Abraham Lincoln went to the Convention in third place and it took something like 8 ballots to get him across the line.

      “…normally intelligent, cool, rational and level headed people like Gantt hate Trump so bad they refuse capitalize the “T” in his name…”

      First, thank you for the great compliment! Secondly, I blame the iphone, which successfully auto-corrects cruz to Cruz, ryan to Ryan and so forth, but does not auto-correct trump to Trump. That said, given the disgusting antics he’s employed I’m not entirely sure I would have manually corrected it, had I noticed. The tactics employed by Trump supporters is far more vicious than a mere refusal to capitalise the man’s name. Michelle Fields has had to move out of her home because of the death threats she’s received. Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and other public people on the “#NeverTrump” train are all receiving death threats. Legendary rat-fucker Roger Stone has said he’s going to release the names, hotels and room numbers of delegates who don’t vote Trump to the Trump storm-troopers. What is it with the left and violence? Always with the beatings and the muggings and the killings. I guess it’s because they’re bereft of principle or ideas.

  27. Bo Chandler says:

    On phone, so I can’t link to it, but it looks like some asshole prison warden has placed a former digger in with an Isis supporter and unfortunately the digger has been nearly killed. Presently this is being framed as an unforgivable oversight, but I don’t buy that for a second. Thus is another example of the caliphate taking over the prison systems from the inside.

  28. KG says:

    Spare me!
    ‘New Zealand has been named the world’s best country by readers of Britain’s Daily Telegraph.
    ‘Nice scenery and Maori culture’, apparently…
    Yeah, right. A culture that is propped up by despised productive whitey. And no mention of the high crime/low clear-up rate, or the ripoff prices, of rampant crony capitalism and supine, ignorant media….the list goes on.

    These self-congratulatory headline articles in the media are both unseemly and dishonest.

  29. KG says:

    How many more reports are needed in order to confirm the fucking obvious? And how many bureaucrats are dining off this simple, avoidable event by now?
    ‘More reports ordered after Dunedin balcony collapse’

    • Darin says:

      Geez,I guess the new standards will be 24″ web, grade 70 steel wide flange beams on 12″ centers jacketed by no less than 6″ of steel reinforced concrete. :roll:

      On a side note,I want the mini-bus,that would be brilliant with a blown small block Chevy stuffed in it :twisted: