Voting – it lets the serfs preserve their illusions.

‘…‘Your vote means nothing’ Brussels insists land grab plot will go ahead despite Dutch ‘no’
European leaders were tonight plotting to override the democratic wishes of the Dutch people and plough ahead with a rejected plan to tighten their grip on Ukraine….’

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Picture of a revolting girly-man:

girlyman‘A MALE politician has revealed how he was brutally raped by a Somalian refugee, but says he felt “guilt and responsibility” when the criminal was deported back to his homeland.
…Kartsen Nordal Hauken, a member of Norway’s Socialist Left Party…’
The truly frightening thing is that there are many people who will applaud this nauseating display as “showing compassion” and “forgiveness”.
These capons are complicit in handing the West to the barbarians.
Groin Kick

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Safer than raiding mosques, isn’t it?

Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online.
Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the suburbs of Spandau, Tempelhof, Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Pankow….’

Liberty always was a fragile dream, and now it’s almost gone the sheeple can go back to their TV reality shows, shopping and obsession with celebrities, undisturbed by thorny issues such as integrity and freedom from government interference in their battery hen lives.
They’re not worth fighting for.

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Apartheid New Zealand

‘Don Brash and Winston Peters formed an unlikely alliance today in protest against what they believe is “preferential treatment” for Maori in new planning laws…’

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Open house, and some quickies:

A Look Inside Britain’s Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal

Time to Get Serious About the F-35 Program

Intel Analysts: We Were Forced Out for Telling the Truth About Obama’s ISIS War

Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study

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Spain, the first European domino:

‘Spain To Teach Koran In Schools ‘To Counter Islamic Extremism’
Spanish schools plan to “tackle extremism” by segregating Muslim students and teaching them more about the Koran and Islam, according to new government guidelines….’
Yeah, that’ll do it all right. Teach children about the “holy” book that exhorts muslims to subjugate or kill others of all faiths.
This is nothing less than funding madrassas on Spanish soil. Craven surrender.

WARNING: Athens Must Build First Mosque Or Face Islamic Terror
…“It is exactly because of the recent terrorist attacks that we have to move quickly to construct the mosque in Athens,” said the official….’

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Colonel Richard Kemp:

‘Putting women on the front line is PC meddling. We will pay for it in blood

The damage will be budgetary as well as tactical. Even in the tranquillity of a peacetime barracks, three RAF women sustained spinal and pelvic injuries due to over-striding to keep pace with the men on parade.
They were awarded £100,000 each. The RAF’s remedy was to shorten stride-length and place women at the front of the squad to set a reduced pace for the men – an ominous indication of things to come for the infantry….’

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MSM, peddling propaganda. As usual.

And brainwashed socialist Kiwis lap it up. Strike-throughs and bolded words are mine.
Stuff “news” headline:
‘State signs in anti-gay anti-homosexual law’
In the text:
‘The governor of the US state of Mississippi has signed into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse services to gay homosexual couples based on religious objections.
…..”This bill does not limit any constitutionally protected rights or actions of any citizens of this state under federal or state laws,” he said. Bryant added: “The legislation is designed in the most targeted manner possible to prevent government interference in the lives of the people from which all power to the state is derived.”

And still no correction from the NZ Herald for their lying story about far-right activists running over a muslim woman….they know full well that by now that story is accepted as truth by the majority of their readers.

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The New Observer

For those sick of the media’s lies and propaganda
‘New Observer Forces Daily Mail Retraction
The New Observer has once again forced a major controlled media outlet to back down over blatant ant-white lies, this time the Daily Mail’s hysterical lies over “right wingers” in cars running over Muslims in Molenbeek.
Previously, the New Observer also exposed the “neo-Nazi attack on migrant children” in Stockholm as a media hoax…’
‘Australia: “Refugees” Earn $50,000 pa
“Refugees” who con their way into Australia will earn a minimum of AUD $50,000 (US$38,362) per year without doing anything other than being there—and very likely substantially more depending upon how many children they can produce. The astonishing payouts can be calculated using the Department of Human Services (DHS) “Payment Finder” website tool…’
‘Italy Braces for 10,000 Invaders a Week
More than 5,000 sub-Saharan Africans landed in Italy last week, and coast guard monitors are predicting another 10,000 this week—an indication that the cross-Mediterranean route of attack is now once again in full swing.
Intelligence sources quoted by the media in Austria have confirmed that the government is now bracing for a renewed invasion over the “Alpine route.”…’

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Why Trump?

This, I believe, is a brilliant analysis:
‘…But he is, politically, a stranger in a strange land, a man from nowhere who may soon become standard-bearer for the party of true world-historical figures like Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower – who may, conceivably, become president of the United States and so the most powerful person in the world.  Such fantastic improbabilities lead us to the obvious question.  Granted the zeitgeist of negation and repudiation, the failure of the institutions and the bad mood of the public:  why Donald Trump?…’

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