Spain, the first European domino:

‘Spain To Teach Koran In Schools ‘To Counter Islamic Extremism’
Spanish schools plan to “tackle extremism” by segregating Muslim students and teaching them more about the Koran and Islam, according to new government guidelines….’
Yeah, that’ll do it all right. Teach children about the “holy” book that exhorts muslims to subjugate or kill others of all faiths.
This is nothing less than funding madrassas on Spanish soil. Craven surrender.

WARNING: Athens Must Build First Mosque Or Face Islamic Terror
…“It is exactly because of the recent terrorist attacks that we have to move quickly to construct the mosque in Athens,” said the official….’

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15 Responses to Spain, the first European domino:

  1. Yokel says:

    Perhaps we should remember that one of the killers of Lee Rigby had been sent, by his single Christian mother to the mosque to learn about the “real Islam” because she was worried that he was becoming radicalised in the religion he had just converted to.

    Of course it just confirmed him in his understanding!

    Of course it will end badly, except for the malicious fool who thought it up. He< will have police protection!

    • Ronbo says:

      164 Jihad verses commanding the Believer to murder Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. – Yeah, tell me how the Koran was “Hijacked” by “Radical Islamists” – What the real deal is the devout Muslim wants to kill you…After first raping your wife, burning down your home and murdering your children!

      Islam? SPIT!

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    It sounds more like appease me and then I’ll spare you. Its the sort of thing you’d do if someone had a gun to your head.

  3. Bo Chandler says:

    There are days I wish I was closer to the places where I could make a difference.

    Other days I’m glad to be as far away from it as possible.

    • Darin says:

      You would just be fighting for a lost cause,remember,these people are inviting this on themselves.If they were not,politicians would already be hanging and the muslim problem would be a simple matter of burying them all.

    • Jamie says:

      “There are days I wish I was closer to the places where I could make a difference” Bo

      Not to worry Bo – I keep hearing on the grapevine all the big shot globalists are parking their ill gotten gains down here in the South Pacific, buying up bug out retreats and airstrips and all….

      Fools think they gonna get away clean

      • Ronbo says:

        Clearly, they haven’t heard about KG and the Crusaders!

        …out of the frying pan into the fire, heh?

        • Jamie says:

          What can I say, NZ is a small place

          Scenes from Braveheart

          Starring KG as William Wallace

          Jamie as Steven

          Various other Crusaders

          Him that can’t be William Wallace – I’m ‘prettier’ than this man. Alright Father I’ll ask him. If I risk my neck for you do I get the chance to kill/rob the globalists?

          Crusader – Is your father a ghost or do you converse with the Almighty?

          In order to find his equal a Kiwi is forced to talk to God. Yes Father. The Almighty says don’t change the subject, just answer the fuckin question!!!

          Crusader Mind your tongue insane Kiwi

          [Pulls a dagger]

          Smart enough to get a dagger past your guards old man

          William Wallace: That’s my friend bloke – and the answer to your question is yes

          Excellent, Jamie is my name. I’m the most wanted man on MY ISLANDS
          Except I’m not the boss MY ISLANDS, more’s the pity….

          Crusader: You’re a mad-man

          Jamie: I’ve come to the right place

  4. MikeH. says:

    At the risk of sounding (or proving) I suffer from geriatric dementia; are there really that many muzzie scum in the world that the non-muzzie remainder need to bow down and pucker up for preemptive muzzie ass kissing?

    Why can’t they be happy within their own slice of the planet rather than force decent folks, like us, to contemplate the virtues of ethnic cleansing within our slice?