Open house, and some quickies:

A Look Inside Britain’s Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal

Time to Get Serious About the F-35 Program

Intel Analysts: We Were Forced Out for Telling the Truth About Obama’s ISIS War

Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study

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52 Responses to Open house, and some quickies:

  1. KG says:

     ‘…When we look underneath the Left’s ostensible demands at the commonalities among their strategies for getting their way, the matter reduces to an observation most memorably phrased by Victor Marguerite: “The fascists cannot argue, so they kill.”…’

  2. Robertv says:

    Dictator Obambi


    President Obama has passed a simpler and fairer tax code that closes the loopholes that benefit wealthy Americans in order to help the struggling American families who need assistance most.

    The Peter Schiff Show Podcast – Episode 157

  3. K2 says:

    Re: F35.

    If you want world beating all purpose weapon systems that will still be world beating in 30 years then they are going to cost a lot of money. They are also, of necessity, going to be highly complex and therefore, at least for a while, have low reliability and take a significant time to debug. If you only want to maintain 2 or 3 companies capable of building world beating weapons systems then you are going to have to pay for keeping them going.

    You can argue about the philosophies behind the procurement of such weapons, but complaining about cost, reliability and schedule delays is just silly because it’s already been baked into the pudding. The result is spending 100 billion on a B-2 bomber and then only building 24 of them. Ridiculous.

    • KG says:

      “…but complaining about cost, reliability and schedule delays is just silly because it’s already been baked into the pudding….”
      If they’d already been “baked into the pudding” then the project wouldn’t be badly behind schedule and wildly over budget.
      And these white elephants can be grounded by something as simple as an internet or satellite outage.
      In any case, there’s a damn good argument to be made for simpler weapons in much greater numbers, especially given the increasing effectiveness and numbers of relatively cheap sophisticated ground-to-air missiles.
      The age of the high-tech fighter and of aircraft carriers may be over.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        America and her allies are quite infatuated with spending trillions of dollars creating cutting edge military tools that have no application in any of the many wars they insist on waging.

        Meanwhile they do their best to neglect or scuttle proven equipment and all-but ignore low cost high yield technology that wouldn’t break the taxpayers back.

        The simplest reason is usually the correct one. It’s easier to organise one $1b bribe from a single company than it is to organise 1000 $1m bribes from 1000 different manufacturers.

        • K2 says:

          America and her allies are quite infatuated with spending trillions of dollars creating cutting edge military tools that have no application in any of the many wars they insist on waging.

          You are correct. You only expend that kind of money on weapons which are required to counter an existential threat to the west. Not buying those types of weapons requires making the bet that there will not be an existential threat by a technologically advanced enemy for at least a decade or two, depending on the capabilities of your potential enemy.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            If by “existential threat” you mean “impediment to naked global aggression” then you might be correct.

      • K2 says:

        “And these white elephants can be grounded by something as simple as an internet or satellite outage.”

        I suggest you use the same filter on those kinds of claims that you do on the other excretions of the MSM.

        As for the aircraft carriers you may be right. Perhaps one reason why the uber expensive F35B was developed – a stealth aircraft which can fly off of cargo ships if necessary to maintain sea control. Something that relates to the security of the good folks down under. And if the age of the high tech fighter is over, why are both Russia and China trying to develop one?

        • KG says:

          “I suggest you use the same filter on those kinds of claims that you do on the other excretions of the MSM.”
          I’ll see if I can find the source again, K2. The guy making that clain was an ex-USAF colonel who worked in the Pentagon on various procurement contracts.

          • Jamie says:

            “America and her allies are quite infatuated with spending trillions of dollars creating cutting edge military tools that have no application in any of the many wars they insist on waging.”

            I’m a big believer in the old school

            NZ Airforce should just take a page out of the Warbirds Over Wanaka. A squadron of Spitfires or P-51’s would do the trick nicely I reckon

  4. Ronbo says:

    Robertv says:

    “Who needs Congress?”

    Certainly not the Obama Regime!

    Presidential Executive Orders (Rule By Decree) are so much easier to enact – all you need is a lackey to type up the paperwork and a pen to sign it.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Climate forecasts may be flawed = Pope may be Catholic.

      • KG says:

        From the link:
        ‘It’s all hands on deck to stop the only presidential candidate who wants to save America from the cheap labor plutocrats.

        Cruz has flipped to Trump’s side on every important political issue of this campaign — which only ARE issues because of Trump. These are:

        — Quadrupling the number of foreign guest workers to help ranchers and farmers get cheap labor: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.

        — Legalizing illegal aliens: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.

        — The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.

        — Building a wall: Cruz was against it, and now is for it…’

        • Bo Chandler says:


          Every asshole in the game was squabbling for the middle-ground before Trump came in and committed the cardinal sin of crapping on the two-party-one-party narrative.

          Cruz was just as spineless as the rest, and if elected you can be sure he’ll jump in the mental time machine and pretend Trump never arrived.

  6. Darin says:

    8.0 second Ford Fairmont

    • Bo Chandler says:

      The final race had a surprise ending.

      I thought the Fairmont had it but the other car rocketed in from behind, some 30kph (?) and two tenths of a second faster

      That said, the fairmont seems like the ultimate sleeper.

  7. Darin says:

    Top five feminist fails-

  8. Jamie says:

    It’s thirsty Thursday – Completely off topic here….Does anyone else ever get the feeling they were born into the wrong time and place?

    “Indian Chief Two Eagles was asked by a white U.S. government official, “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.”

    The Chief nodded in agreement.

    The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”

    The Chief stared at the government official then replied,

    “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women do all the work, medicine man free, Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex.”

    Then the Chief leaned back and smiled, “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”

    Take me back then

  9. KG says:

    ‘Dutch people power crushes expansionist Brussels’
    well, not quite…
    ‘..The Dutch people will now have to wait with bated breath to see whether their country’s government and the EU elite will accept their democratic decision.
    Ministers in the Netherlands have already made noises about the result of the referendum not being legally binding, whilst arrogant Brussels bureaucrats have already ploughed ahead with putting the agreement with Ukraine in place…. ‘

  10. KG says:

    ‘BRUSSELS’ migration chief has tonight unveiled jawdropping plans to encourage MORE economic migration to the continent despite the ongoing refugee crisis.’

    • Jamie says:

      And here I was thinking I’m the crazy one – bloke’s off his rocker

      • KG says:

        Yep. Or taking big bribes?

        • Bo Chandler says:

          As I’ve stated elsewhere. This has nothing to do with economic migration, nor even is it about declining birth rates.

          They could have imported a million Buddhists with little to no incidents.

          They chose muslims because the resultant destabilisation is part of the plan. The inbred muzzie terror will trigger martial law. Brussels will let the troops off the least with zero rules of engagement. The muzzies will be stomped but the troops will never leave.

          Nobody in Europe should be expecting to fight the muslim menace without first having to wipe out their own troops.

        • Robertv says:

          Divide to stay in power.

          We The Cannon Fodder and Guinea Pigs

  11. Darin says:

    Merle Haggard – R.I.P.

    “Are the good times really over for good?

  12. Grog says:

    Peter comments on a link from Snoggeramus about a rehearsal gone wrong.

  13. rivoniaboy says:

    I think this sentence by Taki Theodoracopulos might resonate with you KG, knowing of your love for beautiful wooden boats.
    “The man who owns the Indian Wells tournament, multibillionaire Larry Ellison, is a pretty disgusting individual, who among many other horrors has also managed to ruin the America’s Cup by introducing ugly, mosquito-like high-tech catamarans, as likely to be sailed by the normal sailor as one is to swim up Niagara Falls.”

    • KG says:

      Amen, Taki! (he’s a great admirer of Velsheda, as I am. She represents the pinnacle of the art of building wooden boats)
      Thanks for that, Rivoniaboy.

  14. KG says:

    What could possibly go wrong?
    ‘NHS to recruit 400 doctors from India to tackle crisis of GP shortages: And they could bypass training and exams to start as soon as possible ‘