Murderous muzzies’ media mates:

‘EXPOSED: Molenbeek ‘Far Right’ Hit And Run Was Muslim-On-Muslim Attack
A hit and run on a Muslim women in Molenbeek this weekend, blamed on ‘far right’ anti-Islam demonstrators, was in fact perpetrated by an allegedly drunk local youth named “Mohamed”.
The revelation comes after news websites across the world – including the Daily Mail, the New York Post, EuroNews, the Evening Standard, Russia Today, the International Business Times, the Sunday Times, the Huffington Post, the Metro, ITV News, the Daily Caller, the Independent, the Sun, the Mirror and more – lumped the blame onto “far right” protesters in the no go zone of Brussels…’

So, we can look forward to a whole lot of front-page retractions and apologies, right?

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‘Faith, Reason and Open Borders

…When we inflict such radical changes on our society, we should ask ourselves whether we are being faithful stewards of the prosperous, free societies for which our ancestors struggled, fought and sometimes died. Perhaps instead we are squandering our inheritance, for the sake of that happy frisson we experience when we do or say something supporting “openness”, “tolerance”, and “social justice”. We are purchasing approval from our fellow upper-middle-class citizens, with social capital stolen from our children and grandchildren. We are feathering our own cosy nests, while making life even more wretched for our own nations’ native poor—whose ancestors did fight and die, alongside ours, for their descendants’ stakes in the nation. We are stealing the precious gifts of freedom and order from our least-advantaged fellow citizens—the blue-collar workers, the unemployed, the troubled war veterans—in order to salve our confused consciences, and feed our self-esteem.’

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‘..Documents were leaked from one of the world’s most secretive companies, Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, and show how the company has allegedly helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax..’
And this is just one Panama law firm!

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In NZ, the truth is now “disgusting”

Disgust over post to uni FB page
A post to an Auckland University Facebook page saying “if you see a pack of young Maori/Polynesian males, be prepared to sprint” has sparked criticism for racial profiling…
…Six Asian students have been left bloodied, battered and terrified after assaults in Auckland in the past two weeks…’
Given the conviction and incarceration rates of Polynesians in NZ for violent offences , racial profiling is absolutely normal, prudent defensive behaviour. The outrage is simply mindless PC babbling with no basis in reality.

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Scotland is now Loonystan

UK Police: Be ‘Kind’ And ‘Use The Internet Safely’ Or ‘You May Receive A Visit’
They have a specialised team of Kindness Konstables.

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Open house

‘Muslim woman mowed down in Brussels
WARNING: Video contains footage viewers may find upsetting. Shocking video emerges of a Muslim woman being mown down by a car during an anti-Islam rally…’
Does a shrug of utter indifference count as “upset”?  These bastards have murdered more than 28,000 people since 9/11 and we’re supposed to care about just one of them? Pull the other one.

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Crank it up!

‘VIOLENT clashes have broken out between far-right protestors chanting “no more refugees” and militant left-wingers at an anti-immigration march in Dover this afternoon…’

CfC4_PIW8AATZFKAllegedly “anti-fascist” protesters opposing the “no more migrants” protesters.What do they look like to you?

The anti-invader protesters have no need to wear uniforms and masks….

Update: ‘French authorities arrest 11 suspected neo-Nazis’
Focusing on the real threat…

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Please read it

and understand the utter evil of the treacherous traitor bastard squatting illegally in the White House.
This scumbag wants the islamists to win. Any other explanation doesn’t seem credible.

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Warmist thieves and their idiot followers:

‘Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare

Fraud: While the global warming alarmists have done a good job of spreading fright, they haven’t been so good at hiding their real motivation. Yet another one has slipped up and revealed the catalyst driving the climate scare.
…Have doubts? Then listen to the words of former United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:
“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.
So what is the goal of environmental policy?
“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” said Edenhofer…..’

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Social Development Minister Anne Tolley is a clown.

And here’s why
What planet is the silly bitch on? A stupid little person given too much power.

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