In NZ, the truth is now “disgusting”

Disgust over post to uni FB page
A post to an Auckland University Facebook page saying “if you see a pack of young Maori/Polynesian males, be prepared to sprint” has sparked criticism for racial profiling…
…Six Asian students have been left bloodied, battered and terrified after assaults in Auckland in the past two weeks…’
Given the conviction and incarceration rates of Polynesians in NZ for violent offences , racial profiling is absolutely normal, prudent defensive behaviour. The outrage is simply mindless PC babbling with no basis in reality.

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14 Responses to In NZ, the truth is now “disgusting”

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    I bet, none of these problems would exist if the citizens were well armed.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Warren, I think you left out the word ‘all’ between ‘if’ and ‘the citizens’

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Thanks Michael, rephrase:

      I bet, none of these problems would exist if all the citizens were well armed.

  3. Jamie says:

    You got to be crazy to try and rob an asian

    Or is that just racial stereotyping???

  4. Robertv says:

    That’s why most Europeans don’t want an EU membership for Turkey. It would bring Europe down even faster.

    Prudent defensive behaviour.

    ‘The latest issue of a children’s magazine published by Diyanet, the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, which is a government agency and the highest national religious body, contains a series of cartoons glorifying Islamic martyrdom.

    A colorful cartoon titled “may god bless our martyrs, may their graves be full with holy light” features dialogues between parents and children that promotes an idea of religious martyrdom. ‘

  5. dondiego says:

    Science is racist. Melanocortin shows why black labradores chomp people more often than their golden cousins. Same with the rock-monkeys.

    Haven’t read this link, but it contains a link to the original paper

    • Seneca III says:

      I’ve read the link and the original paper it linked to and can find little if anything about the latter’s conclusions to differ with.

      In this ‘progressive’ milieu so subsumed by a Marxist-Socialist-Islamofascist axis that promulgates that all races are equal and skin pigmentation or any other scientific study of racial differences is deemed to be racist and evil it was always going to be disparaged as it was in the link. Do you remember the ‘Bell Curve’ furore?

      The original paper also made reference to the ‘Out of Africa’ model of human origins – a model that I totally agree with, by the way – and it is then that one of my old bells began to ring. Many years ago when I was first looking into the ramifications of such a diaspora three thoughts came into my (racist, of course) mind: “Who left?” “Who went the furthest?” “Who stayed behind?” and then I pondered “Why and what, if any, basis could there be for the differences on the scale of human intellectual and social achievement between the first and the third groups, and any in between, and could this in fact indicate the location of a particular position, or momentum, from static to dynamic, within the developing human genetic pool?”

      I didn’t come up with an answer then, and I still have not, so the question remains hanging to use the vernacular.

      Over to you.

      • Seneca III says:

        P.S. I wonder if the Demented Slaves of Allah know that we know that they are pig-mented.

  6. Ronbo says:

    …all your average Muzbot knows is that he is to kill you, rape your widow and steal all your money because you are an “Infidel.”

    It’s a holy thing, you know…hate, rape, murder…the Muzbot Trinity.