James Delingpole:

‘Europe’s suicidal green energy policies are killing at least 4o,000 people a year.
That’s just the number estimated to have died in the winter of 2014 because they were unable to afford fuel bills driven artificially high by renewable energy tariffs.
But the real death toll will certainly be much higher when you take into account the air pollution caused when Germany decided to abandon nuclear power after Fukushima and ramp up its coal-burning instead; and also when you consider the massive increase in diesel pollution –  the result of EU-driven anti-CO2 policies – which may be responsible for as many as 500,000 deaths a year.
But even that 40,000 figure is disgraceful enough, given that greenies are always trying to take the moral high ground and tell us that people who oppose their policies are uncaring and selfish…’

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The lesson is,

don’t employ them!
‘Auckland lawyer told it is racial harassment to correct grammar of Sudanese employee’

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The power of pork:

Thanks to Alec for this.
Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 7.27.54 AM

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Open house

Been cutting firewood for days and I’m feeling a bit knackered.
‘..Read the whole piece, if only for a line never previously published and which you’ll never see again: “In the video, the man tried to walk away, but the woman stopped him, continuing to ask where Egypt was.”…’
via Tim Blair

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No terrorists in NZ, nossir.

‘The prospect of imminent terrorist activity led our internal intelligence agency to carry out urgent surveillance without a legal warrant under special new powers….’

Riiight.  How long does it take to get a warrant? And I thought we’d been assured that NZ was such a lovely multiculti paradise that terrorism was impossible here – according to the government and the usual lefty bleeding heart clowns.

Security Intelligence Service director Rebecca Kitteridge
the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security, Cheryl Gwyn
What could possibly go wrong…… 

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‘A Dangerously Deluded Pope’

‘Groveling isn’t a virtue in the face of violent jihad; it’s a sign of weakness and moral cowardice.’


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Last week it was red meat…..

‘Vegetarianism can lead to cancer’

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Are we ready to get serious yet?

1459102452090 I doubt it. If Beslan wasn’t enough to move citizens to the point where they give their “leaders” an ultimatum -“hang muslims or we hang you” then I doubt this will do the job either.

Change the channel. Go shopping. Cover eyes and ears and pretend it can’t happen here.

But it will.

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You’ll never read a better analysis of the problem.

‘..What the aftermath of the Brussels attack requires is popular recognition that the Belgian and Western intelligence and police services — no matter how successful they are — will have not the slightest impact on the strategic reality that the West, is now, and for at least a decade past, being beaten to death by the Islamists. They have defeated our armies in two wars, they have spread worldwide, they have — despite the lying if condescendingly soothing words of Obama, Biden, McCain, Cameron, Hollande, Clinton,  Cruz, the treason that calls itself Neo-Conservative, etc. — very successfully changed the way we live, whether in regard to worrying about where children go for social events, where vacations should be taken,  or the all too obvious reality that the civil liberties of Westerners are being incrementally abrogated by their rulers in the name of security; that is, by elected men and women who know that the West is bleeding to death at the hands of Islamist fighters and, even more, by their own voluntary pacts with the six horses of the West’s coming apocalypse: diversity, multiculturalism, political correctness, interventionism, irreligion, and open borders…’  (bold mine)

Continue reading

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