Open house

‘Shade warning’

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31 Responses to Open house

  1. Robertv says:

    “Hillary’s America” Trailer

  2. Grog says:

    She’s baaaack.

    So she identifies as “black” instead of “Af-Am”(my abb), why not? there’s trans everything else, here we have the first person who is”coming out” as trans-race.

    idiot female goofball.

    Oh, was that insensitive, rachel? too fooking bad, sweetie.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The whole ‘Cultural Appropriation’ thing is so stupid. Obviously these idiots don’t know classical literature, i.e. ‘Imitation is the greatest form of flattery’. You’d think someone would point out to them that the ‘appropriated’ culture is being celebrated not demeaned.

  3. Darin says:

    In Colorado democrats got to stand inline and vote for their delegates,but Republicans didn’t. Speaks volumes about the GOPE doesn’t it?

    • Ronbo says:


      The American political party is a private-elitist-by-invitation-only-club that poses as a public institution.

      The Oligarchy makes the rules and can change the rules…In 1976 for example, the GOP pulled the rug out from under Ronald Reagan, the People’s Choice, in favor of Oligarch Gerald Ford, he with the coordination problem lampooned by comedians.

      Yes, Reagan was finally selected by the Oligarchy in 1980, but only at the price of accepting Oligarch George Bush The Elder as his running mate and heir to the presidency – thus becoming the only conservative Republican president elected since “Silent Cal” in 1924.

      Another thing you have to remember, Darin, is that the Progressive Movement was created by the Republican Party and its first standard bearer was Teddy Roosevelt, whose claim to fame was the short lived “American Empire” that featured the invasion of our former Pacific ally in the war against Spain, the Philippines that cost the lives of 250,000 Philippine citizens and thousands of American soldiers.

      …but I digress – the bottom line is the Progressive Oligarchy of Democrat and Republican parties have a death grip on their respective private political clubs. The “democratic” nomination process of primary elections is simply window dressing designed to fool the Plebs. The only difference between the two clubs is that the Republican Party has been better until this election cycle at keeping the blinds pulled down over their smoke filled backroom where the real decisions are made.

      So how to beat the Oligarchy?

      Like my old dad always said, “Son, never play a man at his own game because he will always beat you one way or another. What you do to win is play your own game.”

      I think this is what’s happening – a game changer by the name of Donald Trump who has called the Oligarchy on their rigged political game only they can win.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Darin, that’s simply not true.

      The CO process is by caucus. They started with precinct caucuses, which chose delegates to go to regional caucuses, which then chose delegates to go to the state caucus. The only thing different about CO this time around was that they didn’t hold the traditional (non-binding) straw-poll.

      The simple fact is, anyone who suggests Republicans didn’t get a vote, or didn’t get a choice on who the delegates would be, are wrong. What didn’t happen in CO was that thousands of Democrats didn’t get to vote in the GOP process (which is why Trump lost).

      The rules were set before any of the balloting process began. If Trump didn’t like them, he could have challenged them then. The fact is, he didn’t even campaign in CO. His state-wide delegate manager (since fired, I believe) was phoning it in from the next state across. He had virtually no ground-game. When it came to the state caucus, the Trump campaign was so organised they gave their delegates the wrong information on who to vote for! Cruz, on the other hand, had captains in every single precinct, every single region AND at the state convention, marshalling supporters, making sure they corralled the votes. It is the difference between a disciplined team skilfully executing a complex project and a clown show.

      No ballots were “stolen” by either the GOP or Cruz. Trump lost because Trump didn’t know the rules, and chose to not put in the work. Taking to Twitter to cry like a little bitch after the fact simply doesn’t cut it. Threatening to sue (again, and not doing so, again) is just more of Trump ginning up anger among people (most of whom don’t know the state-by-state rules). The time to challenge was back in October when the rules were set. Nobody is crying about the fact that (for example) Trump got something like 35% of the votes in Florida and walked away with all 99 delegates, are they? It seems increasingly, at least in Trump’s deranged view, what’s “fair” and “right” is what delivers a victory for Trump.

      • Darin says:

        “The CO process is by caucus. They started with precinct caucuses, which chose delegates to go to regional caucuses, which then chose delegates to go to the state caucus. The only thing different about CO this time around was that they didn’t hold the traditional (non-binding) straw-poll.”

        Unlike every single other state in the union.The process was rigged from jump and done so specifically so the state party heads could nominate the candidate of THEIR choosing and the public be damned.In the Teaparty in my state we fight hard every inch of the way to push this crooked,corrupt bullshit out of the system and it keeps coming back.The final delegate selection in Colorado was textbook cherry picking at it’s finest.
        All this horse shit about “oh those are the rules” or “Trump didn’t campaign” is just that Horse shit. I’ve seen the sausage getting made from inside the meat grinder,I know intimately how it works.The only way Trump could have won in Colorado is if he bought off every delegate selected with briefcases of cash.
        I find it odd that so many Cruzite koolaide drinkers are spouting “it’s the rules,it’s the rules” when what happened in Colorado since last August usually only happens in Havana.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          The process has been in place for years. The only thing that changed this time around was they got rid of the non-binding “straw poll”. And they did all that months ago. The time to challenge was back then, not after you lose.

          “The only way Trump could have won in Colorado is if he bought off every delegate selected with briefcases of cash.”
          That’s funny, since it’s precisely what he’s now doing – making a desperate attempt to catch up with Cruz’ far superior second-ballot strategy. Manafort is offering delegates a junket down to Trump’s Florida resort to “discuss their options” after the first ballot (while at the same time Stone is threatening to unleash the Trumpen SS on them). But that’s not shady at all, is it?

          And I repeat my alternate question: why is it the Colorado process is “rigged” when, as I said, the voters’ voiced their opinion and the delegates were chosen at the most local possible level, yet the Florida process is not “rigged”, when someone who won 35% of the vote walks away with all 99 delegates?

          The simple facts are this: (1) Trump got beat in Colorado fair and square. He didn’t start crying until after he lost, because he couldn’t accept he was going to get schlonged and didn’t have the ground game in place to win in any event, (2) the Trump campaign have engaged in far shadier practices than anything any of the other campaigns have even dreamed of. They don’t like it up ’em, no they don’t, and (3) there’s no way he can get to 1,237, and no way he will win on the second ballot. Not because of anything Cruz has done, but because he’s got such an unbelievably inept team and has run an unbelievably incompetent campaign (which explains why, at this point in the process, he still can’t get more than about 40% of the vote and his negatives are the highest of any candidate running on any ticket in the history of elections).

          And to close, didn’t we have a discussion yesterday about how my (inadvertent) failure to capitalise the “t” in the Dear Leader’s name was somehow disrespectful, yet you’re now using terms such as “Cruzite koolaide drinkers” (even funnier, when the large plurality of Trump supporters are the old Perot and Buchanan gang).

            • Darin says:

              “And to close, didn’t we have a discussion yesterday about how my (inadvertent) failure to capitalise the “t” in the Dear Leader’s name was somehow disrespectful”

              Nope,that was Wombat,I did the Cruzite koolaide drinker bit,which works now that Glen Beck thinks Cruz is Moses :roll:

              A few points-
              Rove is simply hitching his wagon to what he thinks is the winning Horse.He also I am willing to bet knows what the GOPe has in store for Cruz who will not be the nominee unless they intend to throw the election to Hillary.

              How many primaries has Trump won again?Is it 19 out of 31 now,and somehow he has a poor ground campaign?”Poor ground campaign” in political speak means he’s not burning through stacks of other people’s cash with a staff of hundreds,that’s all it means.
              Nationally Trump is Polling 42% Cruz %22 Kasich %19 how again does Cruz beat Hillary?

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                (a) apologies for confusing you with wombat – I’m working 15 hours a day right now so the details are blending together a bit
                (b) if CO was rigged, was Hawaii also rigged? (exactly the same process, except in CO, Cruz swept while in Hawaii Trump did)
                (c) how come the likes of Rove and the various Senators and other establishment types who’ve endorsed or closed up with Trump don’t mean he is an establishment sell-out, while Cruz picking up the (very) occasional endorsement from an establishment member or former Bush staffer is proof positive that he’s a GOPe operative? While Trump’s 4-decade-long history as a liberal democrat prove he’s an outsider Conservative republican, while Cruz’ entire life devoted to Conservative and anti-big-government causes are proof that he’s a GOPe sell-out?
                (d) so far, Trump has won ~37% of votes and has received ~45% of delegates. The process therefore is rigged … in favour of the front-runner
                (e) by poor ground campaign, I mean Cruz has won almost every contest which is closed (i.e. it’s Democrat cross-over that’s giving wins to Trump – all of which will cross back to vote for Queen Cacklepants in the general) or where actual work (i.e. actually courting delegates) is required (Hawaii being one of the few exceptions)
                (f) National polls are irrelevant – it’s the Electoral College that matters
                (g) Every national poll taken shows Trump getting Drumpfed by the Hildabeast, while Cruz and Kasich ( both either come within a whisker, or beat her. That’s due almost entirely to the fact that the only person in the history of electoral process anywhere in the world with higher negatives than Queen Cacklepants is … Donald J Trump.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            We have chosen the form of the destroyer.

            Now are you going to help cross the streams or what?

            • Darin says:

              Yup,the country is in dire straits,Cruz ain’t got the horsepower,Kasich puts everybody to sleep and the other two on the d-side,well,full on mental retardation.

              It’s 4th down,4th quarter on the ten yard line with five seconds on the clock.A field goal ain’t gonna do it,a running game ain’t gonna do it,we need a Hail Mary pass and Trump is the only one who can throw it.

  4. Contempt says:

    Just checking in. Not much going on up here in the Upper 50 Steaks and wish y’all well down under in our 56th & 57th Steaks. I’ve been learning a lot about the ‘merican political system in addition to more about President oBowa’s God Damn America Americans. But of course they have been selling out Southern White men for some time. Hope that didn’t offend the powers that be when they read this. PS: for those old timers who remember HarvardPotatoHead it is my concern for him that I must share with you that he is in long term treatment consisting of shock treatments twice a day. This seems to be helping him in some way to flush his Ivy League education. Well, back to slaving away at work.

    • Darin says:

      Well we knew that was coming didn’t we?How perverse is it that Christian children can be scorned ,ridiculed and indoctrinated with the idea that their religion,one that primarily revolves around forgiveness and grace,is backward and imbecilic,but everyone is expected to bend over backwards and accept islam with all of it’s bastardy,mysticism and murder?

      • Contempt says:

        KG in the picture at the link, how do they read that shit? I do not recognize even one word and it seems that “mohammed” could be easily read? I just don’t know. Maybe the thinking caps have something to do with it?

  5. Darin says:

    Heard on the radio this morning-“the word Politics originates from two Greek words-Poly meaning “from many” and Ticks meaning ” blood sucking parasites”

  6. Darin says:

    Sorry Liberals,there is only one interpretation of islam-

    New channel from a young lady that has her head straight,easy on the eyes too

  7. KG says:

    ‘The Business End of Freedom
    If you still believe big business is, as novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand famously described it, “America’s Persecuted Minority,” then you must be on the same amphetamines she was taking….’

    • Darin says:

      We are in the end stage of leftist take over of all our institutions big business is just the last.The one they can’t take over is small business,so that is the one they seek to put out of business or persecute.Rand was from a different era,one where most businesses and for that matter celebrities kept their mouths shut about their political leanings regardless of what they were.Left,right or center,politics was taboo because no matter what side you picked you were going to piss somebody off.
      Now the left has control of education,they have control of the media,they have control of politics and they have control of big business.What’s left for us?Not very damn much,they want it all and they are on the verge of getting it.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I once explained simply to someone why the government was edging out small businesses in favour of corporations.

        “There are no million dollar CEO spots in Jim’s Fish and Chip Shop for a politician to step into after they legislate a cut to tarriffs on tartare sauce.”

        • Darin says:

          Yup,small business has no political pull,even on the local level.The people who generally work the hardest have the least representation.