Open House 12/27/19

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“Security”? It’s just an illusion

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Conservative Non-Profits Protecting Big Tech Censorship of Conservatives

The following is queued up to the segment pertinent to the title of this thread.

If that elicits a wow from you, let me remind you of Robert Conquest’s Third Law of Politics.

The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

Solution anyone?

Posted in De-progressives, Media Redpill, Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Merry Christmas!

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Today New Zealand is a bit more dangerous

50,000 legal firearms confiscated in New Zealand “buyback”


“Provisional figures indicate 33,000 people handed in 51,000 guns, and another 5,000 guns as part of a parallel amnesty in which owners could hand over any type of firearm without any questions being asked but without getting compensated.”

“Police Minister Stuart Nash told reporters Saturday that criminals would find it harder to get their hands on assault weapons because they tended to steal them from lawful owners, but those weapons would now be out of circulation.”

“Both Nash and Clement said the country was now safer than it had been before the March attacks.”

SAFER for criminals that is, the only thing the law has done is disarm law abiding people you absolute tools.

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So Much for “Experts”

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The People Elites Would Rather Not Hear from

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Open House 12/14/19

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The Case Against Wind and Solar

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Boris Blowout!

“The Prime Minister declared that his party has “smashed the roadblock” and “ended the gridlock” as he hailed the biggest Conservative majority since the 1980s.”

The Sun-

Vows not to betray public’s trust…….public’s trust betrayed in 5…4…3…2…?

Labour MP’s now gathering wood to burn Corbyn at the stake-

Also the Sun-

Hoepfully this will all pan out, hopefully this will lead to our long lost cousins comingĀ  in from the cold, but even if it doesn’t, we’ll at least have this one day of liberal heads exploding

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