Open House 10/18/19

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Finally Something Everyone Can Agree On

That Climate change protesters are D**kheads

It’s a good start, now if they could just Tar and Feather a few :twisted:

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Drug Test Them!

I say drug test them all!

Only so much can be explained by sheer stupidity and clinical insanity. The rest must be narcotics based, if a person can be denied a job driving a truck or piloting an aircraft for having narcotics in their system, then why not leader of the free world?

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The Dems Canary in The Coal Mine

Louisiana Republicans gain super majority status in State Senate-


“In Louisiana’s Saturday election, Republicans had a lot to cheer about.  Among statewide office-holders, the incumbent GOP Lieutenant Governor (68 percent), Attorney General (66 percent), Treasurer (60 percent, and Agricultural Commissioner (58 percent) were all re-elected without the need for a run-off, under the state’s ‘jungle primary’-style system.  It also appears that the solid Republican majorities in both state legislative chambers will remain intact — with the GOP expanding its Senate advantage into super-majority territory by picking up a pair of Democratic seats:”

But,it gets better-

“No amount of goalpost-moving from Team @JohnBelforLA or @DemGovs can disguise that this was a stunningly poor performance for JBE. Days ago they were confidently predicting he’d beat 50. He lost vote share across the board & didn’t even get a majority in his home parish.”  A plugged-in Louisiana GOP source tells me that the gubernatorial battle is now leans Republican, adding that “DJT coming down definitely got GOP votes out.”  The president certainly did visit ahead of the voting, and he didn’t do so quietly.  This is quite a sound-byte

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These Are Not The Kurds We Are Looking For

Pretty concise rundown of why we are not abandoning the Kurds.-


Long article that lays out the history of how we got where we are, but here is the money –

“The Kurds in Iraq are far more capable of defending themselves than the Kurds of Syria. Taking on the defense of Syria’s Kurds would commit the US to an open-ended presence in Syria and justify Turkish antagonism. America’s interests would not be advanced. They would be harmed, particularly in light of the YPG’s selling trait for Obama – its warm ties to Assad and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.”

So in a nutshell, why should we get involved in yet another open ended war to protect the YPG and the PPK when both are cozy with Iran? 

Update: Trump forces a third way,oh and ABC caught lying again.


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Open House 10/12/19

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Eco-Attention Whores

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Music like it used to be

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Trump lifts the rug

And sends the Roaches scurrying-

President Trump Announces Turkish Unilateral Invasion of Northern Syria…

Lots of crying and temper tantrum throwing from the usual suspects-

Daily Caller-

“I held off this fight for almost [three] years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home,”-

President Trump

He’s right, no more blood and treasure should be spent trying to civilize savages.

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Global Warming?

Ha,we wish –

Potential role of low solar activity this winter as solar minimum deepens and the wide-ranging impacts of increasing cosmic rays

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